Art Post: Edea (FF8)

I've been wanting to draw Edea for a long time XD This pic has it's problems but at the moment I really like it ^^ It was very much inspired by Mucha, my favourite artist!

Art Post: FF8 Tarot Cards

Inspired by the Utena tarot card project I tried to do an FF8 version, but didn't get very far. Two finished and two partial. In 2016 going back through old sketchbooks I uncovered a Selphie that was also intended for this project:

Art Post: Rinoa (FF8)

A pain...!!!! That's what this picture was!! It took about two weeks, working on and off. The finished version is 16.5x23 at 300dpi, so it's HUGE. There's a with-petal-in-the-air version and a no-petal-in-the-air version. I like the no-petal better, so here it is.

Art Post: Selphie (ff8)

Hehehe, I just love Selphie wearing Irvine's hat for some reason! This pic had a lot of problems, but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. When I drew it, she was originally sitting on rocks, then I changed to a fence... leaving the hand resting on air >< So I had to move the fence post up, so it doesn't QUITE look like she's sitting on ...

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Art Post: Squall

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. An unfinished coloured pencil drawing of Squall. I think it was meant to be a companion piece to the Rinoa I did around the same time, but Rinoa got finished on the computer.

Art Post: Quistis (ff8)

Quistis!! XDDD Quistis is so cool. I plan on doing more pics of her. This started out being a pic of Bart Fatima, but then it changed to Quistis because... Quistis is so cool!

Art Post: Selphie (FF8)

Selphie was so cute in the game! Especially at the end. I doodled this during class, and then did this test piece in Painter (I'm not at all familiar with Painter v_v;) Sorry for the crappiness of the pic + the crappiness of the CG... I will do a better Selphie pic soon!

Art Post: Rinoa (FF8)

A little marker Rinoa I did for part of a site design.

Art Post: Quistis (FF8)

Quistis, my favourite character! I very much like this picture. Except for the whip o_O; I think I sent it to PSM... but I can't remember if I did or not!! I really, really need some of that herbal stuff that helps the memory ~_~; Whatever it's called.