Sketchblog: Ivy

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. This Ivy (from Soul Calibur) got inked and was intended to be a companion piece to the Sophitia that got finished, but it never got posted or coloured or anything.

sketchblog: Reno

daily sketch entry... Reno from FF7, been a while since I did FF7 stuff.

Art Post: Quistis and Selphie (FF8)

Yeah, it's a helluva lot like the Quistis CG I posted a few days... but IT'S NOT!! It's different! I swear, look! She's looking the other way... and her whip has the SPEAR on it! See? See? I told you =O I should have blended her skin more, but I didn't. Oh well.

Art Post: Quistis (ff8)

A gift for Cherden's Happy Page! She hit 25K ^^ I really like how this turned out, esp. her hair!

Art Post: SD Selphie (FF8)

I did this for my main page. It's kinda cute eh? I really think Selphie is as cute as cute can be, even if she can be annoying! I'm gonna do some more like this, since I've been asked to make more by my friends =)

Art Post: Quistis (FF8)

A doodle... I just realised I never draw Quistis' outfit quite right- I always make the front of her skirt split. That's how I originally thought it was when I first started playing the game, and now I can't shake it. Urgh. The filename of this pic makes me think "Quistis... Supahfly!!"

Art Post: Irvine (FF8)

I like this picture... and yet I don't like it. It doesn't look like Irvine for one thing. But I do like the blue and brown together... this pic didn't take very long so I'm not going to worry about it one way or the other!

Art Post: Fujin (FF8)

Please, if you draw as messily as I do, always remember to ink your pictures, or crap like this will happen. In 2016 I pulled out all of my old sketchbooks and found the original drawing of this -- apparently Raijin was originally supposed to be in it, too!

Art Post: SNK vs Capcom

I did this for the snk vs. capcom contest thingie. I hate this pic except for Mai's face. I wanted to do Blue Mary vs. Cammy... but I wanted to draw long hair, sooooo. Cammy turned out horrid!