Art Post: Cammy (Street Fighter)

Ash and I were playing Xmen vs. Street fighter (or, rather, ash was on the computer and I was trying to get her to play). I decided to do a cammy fanart since I hadn't done one in a long time, and she's my fav! The foreshortening made her body look weird... oh well deal with it.

Art Post: Morrigan (Darkstalkers)

I hadn't drawn her in a while. This is kind of a remake of an old pic. I kinda like it right now.

Art Post: Aeris (ff7)

A throwaway sketch I decided to colour for some reason. This took no time to do... but for some reason I like it. Kinda.

Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 7

Part 7 of my vacation sketchbook! Text: "8:30 sat morning having brekkie at Hazel's Nook" This picture is OK. I need to practice Qudiar more. Text: "8:39" This picture is boring and plain.... but it does look like her. I like this picture of P his. Only problem, he looks too nice. Or something. This one was rushed, cause I wanted to draw something else. You can definitely tell I rushed the hair. ...

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Art Post: Vincent vs Cyclops

Kari's request~! XD I was way out of practice with Vincent, and gosh, Cyclops I haven't drawn in... four, five years? geez. but here they are. acting all spy-ey. yep.

Art Post: Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken 3)

I did this to compare with an older pic from July 15 1998. I must say the body is much better... but I put the back leg in the wrong place on the newer version. BLEH! I didn't realise until too late. I couldn't remember how I had done the actual Storming Flower effect in the first one... they both look kinda goofy anyway. I also should have put more light from ...

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Art Post: Lara Croft

Yeah Lara Croft is.... uh... well, she's KINDA cool... I mean, she runs around and shoots stuff and that's cool.

Art Post: Edge and Rydia (FF)

Erk, offhand I don't remember which FF game they're from ! I like how Rydia turned out... Edge looks a little odd there... I had to take his head off and paste it lower onto his body after I scanned it... he musta had a neck like a giraffe in the original... LOL

Art Post: Sophitia (Soul Calibur)

Soul Caliber/bur is fun! XD (I can't remember how to spell that ;_;) Sophitia is my favourite to play. This pic looks kinda weird... specially the colouring... and her mouth. I blame the colouring on the fact that I did this on the school's Macs. Everything looks weird if you do it on a Mac ;)