Art Post: Reno (FF7)

Reno. He REALLY reminds me of Kaji here. What kind of cheapo pen was I using to ink this?!

Art Post: Aeris and Elena (ff7)

A dumb sketch of Aeris. Her head is WAY too big. Another sketch. This time of Elena. This one's not so bad.

Art Post: Cloud (ff7)

Ugly picture of Cloud growling or something. He looks constipated.

Art Post: Cid (FF7)

Little tiny CG of Cid. Bleh. (Dunno why this uploaded so tiny)

Art Post: Yuffie (ff7)

Yuffie in a block... head too big again!

Art Post: Tifa (FF7)

EWWWWWW... maybe if I'd had some decent markers at the time this pic wouldn't be so bad.