Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 2

Part 2 of my sketchbook from vacation. Text: "Sun. night 6:17 eating dinner at "The Spot"" Whenever I arbitrarily start doodling, this is what happens. 9 times out of 10, this is exactly what happens. I wonder how many pics I have of these two doing something similar to this. When I started this, I figured we would be seated (at the restaurant) soon, so I was just doodling... little did I know... Text: "6:52 ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 1

This was my sketchbook I kept while on vacation this year! I thought I'd share the scans of the pages. This will be a multi-part post since it's so many pages. Text: "On the road to "MOBILE" I am trying to figure out a good way to draw Harry!" I was trying to figure out how, exactly, I was going to draw Harry Potter without making him look too old ...

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Art Post: Trigun

Look at the subtle use of colours... the detail in the shading of the hair... the excellent blending of text and imagery.... if only every picture I did could be this good. Ah yeah, I didn't get around to colouring this before my vacation... so I instead of putting up the black and white I... uh... did this. when I come back I'll put up the real version.... maybe...

Art Post: Harry Potter

my first hp pic ever... ugh, huh? x_x

Art Post: Utena

I coloured this different! but I can't remember how now. this is for the mac. her head is too big... er, tall. bleh.

Art Post: Hisako (Gift)

It had been a long time since I'd CGed when I did this! I think it turned out ok except the foot o_O;; Hope you like it ok Julie =D She was fun to draw!

Art Post: Sailor Venus

I did this pic when I redesigned, so that date isn't right.... but I'm too lazy to look. I wasn't going to include this in the gallery, but I got talked into it! this picture is kinda creepy to me. That's why I avoid my main page.

Art Post: Venus Love Me Chain

I drew this on easter at my grandparent's house. I liked it at first but now I hate it... too many problems! her hair is gross, the face is wrong, the pose is odd, and the hearts look goofy. bleh XP

Art Post: Super Sailor Moon

WOW, I actually drew, inked and CGed this all in one day. Usually things sit in my sketchbook for days, then finally get inked, and then sit on my harddrive for a few days. I like it... it was originally a pic of Britan, but I switched it to Usagi... I like her hair...