Art Post: X-Men

for Hoo~! I like how Storm turned out. That's my favourite outfit of hers... and I just put Rogue in that new one she's wearing. I've never liked drawing any of her outfits...

Art Post: Harry and Hedwig (Harry Potter)

For Ginny's Harry Potter Club... a reworking of an old pic (original version is available in the sketch section). Hedwig is too big... my first time drawing an owl tho so give me a break :B

Art Post: Draco (Harry Potter)

A rather oversimplified pic of Draco. Just a doodle, really, that I decided to colour...

Art Post: Kalra (Gift)

For the MAG! I love painter, I hope I get my wacom tablet soon. This pic is ok I guess... I like her nose...

Art Post: Ron (Harry Potter)

Version with no shadow. I did this picture JUST so I could do that tree shadow... but then when I finished it I didn't really like it. I really liked the colouring I did in Ron's robes and that got lost in the shadow version x_x I used to have the no-shadow version uploaded too but I don't anymore...

Art Post: The Trio (Harry Potter)

You've no idea how rare it is to see a straight up pencil image from me! I think there's like, one other on the whole site. Here's the scenario: I was stuck at these people's house for some kinda family thing. I had no idea who these people were (but they knew me), so to keep from talking I drew. These is what happened. I didn't get around to finishing ...

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Sketchblog: WTF


Art Post: Sirius (harry Potter)

I CANNOT FREAKING DRAW... I tried and tried but for the past few days, nothing! Anyway, I really don't like this picture, but I do like the colouring. I love painter, it is awesome... wish I had a wacom tablet (I will soon! ^-^)