a very moving weekend

Guess what! Chase and I are homeless. We closed on our house Friday. All done. The new owner takes possession a week from today, so we have until then to move out. It's so strange feeling. Like I said, I'm a little sad. It's been a great home. But before I get too far into all that, let's go back and start where I left off! I had Tuesday off ...

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Finally some Amidala Progress

I don't have a ton to post about today!! Mostly since I did a second post last week. We've had Kevin with us since Tuesday last week, so that's been fun. I don't know what this snapchat filter was supposed to be but it look like the Lunchlady's yearbook picture. Friday Chase got off work early so as soon as I got home, we headed on down to see an ...

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Anime Blues Con, Part 2

(I know my header is super similar to the last post's header but I don't care I like both pics and it's what I want to use!) First up -- art update because I forgot it last time and I'm trying to get the art page updated... "Rise of Clovis" dress: And the Hazmat suit I said I wasn't going to do but then I made myself do it because ...

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OMG since Wednesday our AC at work has been making this AWFUL noise. It hasn't gone out (thank goodness, still nice and cool in here), but it is making this grinding, shuddering noise interspersed with LOUD BUZZING! And of course the unit on the roof is DIRECTLY above my office so all day long I get the brunt of it. It literally makes me jump everytime it does the buzzing ...

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YAY it’s done!

Despite that title, I'm starting with art today just because I have a bunch to untangle from last week. Including a HOUSE INTRUDER, a LOT OF SEWING, some MOVIES, and DOG-SITTING! Since last post I've only focused on knocking out Clone Wars stuff. Here's what I kept calling "Loyalist Committee Lite" I totally just used the skirt embellishment from my own Loyalist Committee art, I did NOT feel like drawing ...

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well so much for that!

After my excitement about maybe going to Star Wars Celebration next year in my last post, today I have to let all of the air out of the room. Since then all the 5 day passes have sold out, as well as Saturday only. We were going to have to wait on tickets til we got Chase's bonus at the end of the year if we decided to go, and seeing ...

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Dreamnight Pics + SWC Hotels

Firstly Chase sent me the pics he took at the Dreamnight event Sunday! Chase insisted I get my pic with the Lion! (His fav animal!) Brothers from another mother A far and distant Leia Everything else is HERE! And real quick one new Clone Wars Padme I finished since last post: Pretty pleased with this one. So Chase and I are not sure we are going to do Star Wars ...

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yard sale weekend

This weekend was busy. Friday night was more work on the house, I got a little sewing in, but mostly it was getting ready for Saturday morning's yard sale. Saturday we were up at 6AM. Chase ran and put the signs out and got breakfast. We'd put on the ad that we were open at 7 but of course people started showing up before that. We had a Chewbacca balloon on ...

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Hooray for 3 day weekends! Not so hooray for spending pretty much all 3 days packing and moving stuff D: Yeah I don't have a ton to talk about today because this weekend was like 85% packing, cleaning, and moving stuff to the storage unit. We really focused on the garage and got a lot of it cleaned up and SO much of it was trash. Some of it we just want to ...

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Soooooooo I know I'm late posting this week. I decided to wait til I had some updates on my Crait Leia. And they are not great updates unfortunately. I'm going to carve this post into sections, since I have multiple things to talk about. CRAIT LEIA Ok I'll start with Leia since I've already said something about it. I had to go BACK to Walmart last week to get more ...

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