Sketchblog: Unfinished Harry Potter Calendar Images

McGonagall and Snape The Marauders Hermione and Crookshanks I'm not sure who this was -- maybe Tom Riddle? Dumbledore Hagrid and Fang Big group shot In 2001 I tried to make wallpaper/desktop calendars for downloads and I got a few done - Draco, James and Lily, Harry playing Quidditch... but there were a lot I didn't. Here's a few in various states of finishing. This is a back-dated post! In 2016 ...

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Art Post: Sakura and Li (Card Captor Sakura)

From Request Week, sakura, shaoron, and kero-chan... I'm not too pleased with the way this turned out, but... eh -_-;

when i freaked myself out

So I was sitting there in my tub at my aunt's house, the nice big tub in the nice big bathroom, when suddenly I thought of The Shining and promptly freaked myself out. Here's my MOB sub for this month!

Art Post – Aidan (Gift)

Du Brie's Aidan from Request week! I like how her hair turned out. Her head looks a bit small for her body, but let's pretend it's a stylistic thing, aight?

when i drew beatrix

Beatrix for the new SFO layout that will be up tomorrow. Coloured sketch... muchos thanks to Perfect Knight for having so many references ^^/ Oh yeah, like, Happy St Patricks day and stuff.

when i did some request art

Maranda's request from request week... Sakura~! I'll have to mail it tomorrow.

when i was bored

Well, you can forget about the poll below... we ended up seeing Charlie's Angels. For dinner and a movie last night, I ended up spending about six bucks. Four dollars & some cents for my dinner at Wendy's, and two for the movie. Go me. It's cause of that I now have "Baby Got Back" stuck in my head. In between the movie and dinner, we had some time, so ...

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Sketchblog: Leia (Star Wars)

A quick Leia for Neurotic Jedis. She looks funny :P