Art Post: Black and White Harry

done for the main page of Astronomy Domine... done too fast, while I watched simpsons. In 2016, I went back through my old sketchbooks, finding stuff I'd never scanned -- and I came across the original version of the above. First I had NO IDEA it was so big (original is 14in tall) and I HAD NO IDEA the original had colour!! Very exciting... to me anyway :)

Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 2

Part two of my vacation sketchbook! Text: "Draw something" "man hands" "17k" "go away" This started as just a Vash, but then I finished the random floating Britan head to the side, and it became Britan and Vash. I added the other main SunDowner characters cosplaying as Trigun characters at the top (along with Kuroneko). Madison doesn't really fit as Wolfwood... and really, I don't think Miles would be happy ...

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Art Post: Lockhart

Present for Tanja~! Jesus Christ, Superstar! And Gilderoy Lockhart!

Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 — Part 1

This was my sketchbook over 2 vacations summer 2001! Since it's so many pages I am breaking it up into separate posts. Here's part 1! While on vacation in Disneyworld, the hotel would set out printed copies of pictures out of colouring books for kids to colour during breakfast. Since I had a shiny new box of crayons with me, of course I had to take a few! Belle and her Princess- I ...

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Art Post: Powerpuff GIrls

I've seen this done before, but I figured what's one more going to hurt? I always wanted to draw them like this. I really messed up inking Buttercup's face... oh well. Soon I'll have a whole post up with all of the SFO 3 pages so you may see this again!!

random sketchbook page

random page from Super Freak Out book 3 this is pretty much what every page is like... it starts out with just some random doodles on the same page, then I finish some of 'em and try to link them together. And colour them with my new, lovely box of Crayola crayons courtesy my Mema. This one had a random Britan head, and about three more meaningless heads. At dinner I ...

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Art Post: Random Harry Potterness

This started out as a doodle of Sirius, then I added the Quidditch Harry. The rest was added on the plane ride home... I like the goofy Voldemort and little Harry. Voldemort: Whee I'm scary Harry: ? Ash was looking in that stupid magazine they leave for you on the airplane, and she pointed out an ad with this line in it. We both thought it was funny so I wrote ...

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Art Post: Harry Potter

This is the first page of the story my cousin Cath and I wrote while at the Yuu Watase panel at Animazement 2001. Originally there were some little head doodles, but I erased them I did an odd, confused, glowing Harry at the top instead. Soon I'll have a whole post up with all of the SFO 3 pages so you may see this again!!