today’s art… cinderella

Cinderella's wedding dress :) Chase is taking me to see Princess & the Frog tonight! And we're going to try out a new restaurant for dinner, too. He talked me into going to the gym with him this morning. It was fun. Then we came home and cooked lunch and we made some really yummy cheese sauce for the broccoli, along with the roasted turkey slices leftover from dinner last night ...

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today’s art… Tiana

today's princess is Tiana. I still have not seen Princess & the Frog. I'm so sad! Chase has promised to take me this weekend. I was going to go see it with my cousins the night before Christmas Eve when we were all up at my grandmothers, but the weather was nasty so we stayed in. I've heard good things, I'm excited to see it.

Princess a Day

It's a bit of a lofty resolution. But I'm going to try to post new artwork everyday. I feel so rusty, I think it would be a great way to "force" a little more practice on myself. I'm having a lot of fun just doodling Disney Princesses right now - and I WAS going to call it Disney-Princess-A-Day, but I figured I'd get tired of it after a while. Probably ...

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today’s art… Giselle

Sorry I missed yesterday - it was a weird day. more on that later. This one is my fav of these I've done, I really like how it turned out. So early yesterday morning, around 4am, we had an incident. Long story short, Indy had eaten some bad food and was now regurgitating it ALL OVER the living room. Call to emergency vet and a trip to walmart for more ...

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today’s art… Mulan

today's princess is Mulan. Never drawn her before. I had trouble finding references of this outfit...

I love holiday weekends & Meg art

I love having so many days off.. just lazing around the house w/Chase and Indy. I keep thinking today is Sunday but it's not! I still have one more day to go :) In two weeks I'm going to New York w/Cath and Melissa. Totally excited. Ash is visiting Melissa for a week right now. anyway. Today's princess is Meg. She's always been one of my fav disney girls. ...

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today’s art, Eilonwy

Eilonwy. I like this one all right. She looks a little twisted but it looked right before I drew the skirt on, so oh well.

today’s art, Esmerelda

I hate drawing bare feet. PS I know there's a lot of debate as to certain disney heroines not actually, technically being a "Princess." Like Alice, Mulan, and Pocahontas, etc. I'm using "princess" as a catchall term for disney heroine. Besides, I've always imagined Disney uses the ideal expressed in "A Little Princess" - that every girl is a princess. :)