New York pics, and today’s art

today's princess is pink Aurora :) Here's all of my pics from NYC! I borrowed a little pocket size digital camera for the trip, which came in very handy and much easier to deal with than my Rebel, though some of the zoomed in pics are a little grainy. But there they are :) (edit: Sorry, I no longer have this gallery online, so I had to remove the dead link!)

today’s art… Tinkerbell, and NYC

To be honest, I've never been a big Tinkerbell fan. But I figured I'd give her a shot. So anyway, I thought I'd recap my NYC trip. I haven't downloaded my pics off the real camera yet, but I do have a few iphone photos. I didn't reread this post or spellcheck it, so I'm sorry if there's any weirdness LOL Friday our plane didn't leave til the afternoon - ...

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Home from NYC! & Charlotte art

I'm home from NYC! We had a fantastic time. I'll post more about it once I upload pics. In the meantime, here's today's (wanna-be) princess...

today’s art… Giselle’s wedding dress

I really how this one turned out. I won't be able to post Sat and Sun - NYC girls weekend. I can try it from my phone but I'm not sure it will work. I'm going to be posting pics & stuff on my twitter over the weekend, so check them out if you're interested :)

today’s art… Jasmine

Jasmine... My mum & I went and saw "The Young Victoria" last night. I really liked it! I'm going to have to get it on dvd when it comes out. I really liked Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend as Victoria and Albert. And I didn't realise that was Paul Bettany until my mum pointed it out!

today’s art… Belle

back around to my fav. princess :) I leave for New York friday. I've got so much to do, going to a movie tonight with my mom, so that just leaves tomorrow night to pack (and watch Project Runway). I keep forgetting I'm going - I'm excited, but not, because it keeps slipping my mind that I'm out of town this weekend! Speaking of travel, we bought our plane tickets for ...

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today’s art… Ariel

I like how this one turned out. Am I the only one not particularly bothered by this dress? LOL I've always liked it and haven't been bothered by the red hair/pink dress combo.

Art Post: Poison Ivy doodle

A really quick, messy Poison Ivy doodle done on my tablet.

today’s art… Tiana again

Another Tiana, in honour of finally seeing Princess & the Frog last night. I really liked it. It wasn't up there with Little Mermaid or BatB or anything, but it was much better than some of the more recent movies ("home on the range"?). I liked Tiana a lot, and Charlotte, too, LOL. I loved the look of the first musical number. My only issue? We went to the very ...

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