today’s art… Cinderella

today's princess... Cinderella again. We bought a futon for the guest room. Finally! So when Kevin stays here he has a proper place to sleep. It's a good size, it's not huge. Most futons we looked at were too big for that little room. Now that we've got that, we need to get the boxes out, get that room painted, and start getting it set up, at least partially. Info ...

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Snow day! and Belle art

It's really snowing and sleeting here! I was about to leave for work - and feeling kinda antsy about how I was going to get home, considering it's supposed to get worse throughout the day, and I don't know how to drive in this stuff AT ALL - when I got the text from my boss that we were closing. Yay! :) I'm stuck on my sewing project til the stuff ...

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today’s art… Snow White

Snow White doesn't have a lot of outfits. Chase & I are enjoying watching American Idol this season. We haven't watched it since the season Chris Daughtry was on there - and then, Chase lived in Nashville and I lived here in Memphis LOL We watched it together while chatting on AIM at night. For whatever reasons we haven't since then. We've been tivoing this season, and I really like ...

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today’s art, Rosetta

Took Kevin shopping last night. He got new jeans, 3 new shirts (including a sweet Star Trek shirt), new shoes, Super Mario Bros for the Wii, a toothbrush to keep at our house, and "Up" Valentine's Day cards. Good shopping trip over all :) I ordered some supplies I needed for my corset today. Shipping was expensive! What I had ordered was like $14 - shipping was $15! So I went back and added ...

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today’s art… Tiana

I didn't have a lot of references for this.... I feel frustrated lately and I don't know why. change of subject, should I draw Snow White & Cinderella in their peasant/servant outfits? I have no interest in drawing those but for complete-ness sake, I kinda want to.

today’s art… Giselle!

I really like this one :) It hailed yesterday. Outside of that I got nothing interesting to say.

today’s art… Mulan

I'm not crazy about this one. So last night I was trying to find something Kevin could use as a bookmark and I found something I haven't been able to find in years! In 2006 I bought some Disney Princess house keys (2 of them). The kind that you have cut to your own locks. I bought then when I still living with my parents, Chase and I were dating... I bought ...

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today’s art… Jasmine

Spent the better part of the day wandering around town looking for a futon for our guest room, with no luck. The one we liked was out of stock at every target in the area, and everything else was found was too big or too expensive. So no futon today. But the wandering around pretty much killed doing anything else. Chase wants to paint the guest room tomorrow but I ...

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today’s art…Belle

My cousin is staying with us for the next week, starting tomorrow. I'm going to take him shopping for some fun clothes for our trip to CA in a couple of months. I love to take him shopping LOL Last time I took him shopping was on his birthday this past year. We took him to "Kooky Canuck's" for his birthday, where he attempted to eat their 7lb hamburger. I ...

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today’s art… Ariel again

I'm looking forward to doing nothing this weekend. And by nothing I mean working in my office - I'm hoping to start on a new corset for a project later this year.