Today’s art… Jasmine

There's still snow on the ground, but it didn't drop below freezing last night, so it's back to work today. I just did this one last night - Jasmine's wedding dress. I tried to add just a little more bling to it.

Another Snow Day! and Cinderella art

Weather was predicting rain & light flurries at most. But we got up this morning and had 6 inches of snow! I had to go in to work for about 3 hours, but then go to come home and Chase and I made a snowman. And today's princess is Cinderella.

Finished the Bathroom!

OMG YAY! I'm really pleased with the colour, I was a little nervous about it. Especially since we picked it out and bought it back in September, I'd kinda forgotten what it looked like! And today's Princess is Iridessa.

No more wallpaper

The handyman came today and got all of our wallpaper down. Seriously, we scrapped at that bug wallpaper in the entryway for 3 months... it took him 2 hours to get the entry way paper AND all of the master bath paper down. I'm so excited! He comes tomorrow to paint the bathroom for us. Here's a before and after, I'll post another after tomorrow: > And today's princess... Jane from Tarzan ...

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today’s art, Belle’s christmas dress

I keep forgetting I don't go to blogger to post, now LOL I've just about lost my padding with having extra pics to post! I've only got about 6 or 7 more before I run out and I'll have to keep up with actually drawing every single day! Anyway, here's today's, Belle's Christmas dress. This dress has been on my to-do list for years! I'm hoping to get it done this year ...

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Thank you God for bagels & Snow White art

Somebody brought in panera bread bagels this morning. MAN, they are so good... doubly so since I didnt have breakfast this morning! Anyway, today's Princess is Snow White, in her wedding dress. A search turned up a picture of a real life Snow White wedding dress on display at Harrod's, it was really pretty, so it's what I used as reference. Tonight we're going to look for paint for our ...

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today’s art, Fawn

today we have Fawn. Tonight, Chase has a game to shoot, so I'm going to go stay at my aunt's. Haven't done that in a while, I'm looking forward to it :) Tomorrow night I'm going to focus on getting more work done on my corset. I need to get the cable hooked up to my little tv in there so I can watch Project Runway while I'm in there. Info ...

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today’s art, Tiana

I didn't have much to go on for references for this one, but this was my fav. outfit she wore in the movie. Info about my 365 Princess Project. My old 404 file for this domain was woefully out of date. It's been the same since 2003! I loved the old one but it needed updating (it had old links on it), so if you want to check out the new one, here's ...

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today’s art… Esmerelda

Loved Lady Gaga on the Grammys last night. Now I don't know what costume to do for Dragoncon. I'd kinda made up my mind, but now I kinda want to do her red carpet outfit instead... Info about my 365 Princess Project.