Mermaid art

I stayed home from work today... a migraine's got me pretty k-oed. I was pretty out of it last night, too. Today is Andrina... I drew a little last night, but mostly I've slept, especially today. I think I'm up, now... at 4pm LOL? The migraine is still hanging around in the background, but at the moment I feel ok.

Yellow fabric, and Mermaid art

I got a LOT done on my corset last night - I started cutting and putting the boning in, only to realise I'm not going to have enough. I used up so much of my last batch with Anne Boleyn that it went a lot faster than usual. I went to order more this morning only to find the place I buy my supplies from is sold OUT. ARGH. I'm ...

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Watching Mulan, and mermaid art

Today's princess isn't Mulan.. but I did watch it last night for the first time in a long time. I bought the dvd on friday and we watched it last night. I forgot how much I liked that movie! Expect another Mulan piece sometime soon. :) I'm not crazy about the first two I've done, so I want to try again and try to get it right. I went to work ...

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Updates and mermaid art

2 apologies, the first for not unlocking yesterday's picture on flickr. It's unlocked now. Second, I'm late posting today! We've had an accreditation group at my office today so it was busy and crazy. But! Good news. My doctor's office called and tried to reschedule my thursday appointment for earlier this week, which didn't work out with the accreditation group here... so it had to be rescheduled into March. Which means ...

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Van Helsing? and Mermaid art

My costume that gets more hits from searches isn't something like Slave Leia or Wonder Woman... it's Anna Valerious from Van Helsing, which I don't understand. Does it have some huge fanbase out there? I get hits for people searching for "anna valerious costumes" or "van helsing costumes" EVERYday. Multiple hits! I don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie, it was fun... I just don't understand ...

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Happy Valentine’s Day! + Mermaid art

Chase is shooting the tennis tournament this morning... tonight we're staying home instead of going out. We're going to get the Attack of the Clones rifftrax, and have cheese fondue and just chill :) We already exchanged gifts, on friday... I got him a lamp and he got me a sweet new lapdesk and he sent me flowers at work :) This week is Mermaid week - here's Attina.

Painting the entryway, and Jessica Rabbit art

We're painting the entry way today. It's "Teal Zeal" LOL. I'll post pics when we're done. today's princess... was just in a movie WITH Disney characters. but i thought she'd be fun to draw.

Belle wedding dress artwork!

I had something to write about, but now I don't remember what it was. Kevin stayed over last night because he's got a hair appointment after mine today. I'm excited to see how his hair turns out. Today's princess is Belle. I didn't want to just do a white version of her ballgown as a wedding dress, so I did this :) I got a couple of costume supplies yesterday. One ...

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Dog Shampoo, and Silvermist art

I gave Indy a bath on Sunday, and I used a new dog shampoo - a "pretty smell" one, not one of her usual medicinal anti-itch baths like she usually gets, because for once she wasn't itching, she just stunk. Well the smell of it mixed her smell and now she smells really weird and not all that good. today's princess... Silvermist.

today’s art… Meg

I wanted to do another Meg pic, but she doesn't really have anything else.. so I kinda took some ideas from the muses' and goddesses' outfits and cobbled together a wedding dress for her. I had wanted to keep things in themes, like this be "wedding dress week" or whatever, but I already posted some of the wedding dresses. oh well! I didn't do anything last night. I worked on ...

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