Shelob, and today’s art

Well of course since yesterday was Drizella then today has to be Anastasia. So neither of my "ugy stepsisters" are very "ugly"... I based them on the park versions I found on flickr. They were really cute! Cath and I talked about going as Anastasia & Drizella for Dragoncon but I've got so much on my plate now it would be too much work. Anyway, didn't sleep great last night. ...

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today’s art, Drizella

Not much to say today. Doing a lot of housework - laundry, painting, etc. My parents' wedding anniversary is tomorrow so we're going out to eat with them tonight. Today is Drizella.

today’s art, Ariel

today's princess is Ariel! I'm so close to being caught up and out of drawings... it sucks! I only have 2 more to post. I drew a lot last night, so over this weekend I'm hoping to get a little bit of padding in there. (doing this while trying to sew, too, I want to finish my skirt this weekend.) Dad, Ash and I are supposed to be going to an ...

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today’s art… Pocahontas

I put Pocahontas in an Elizabethan dress :) This one took forever. We're going to try to work in the prop room this weekend. We need to get stuff moved away from one wall at least so we can start painting. Once we get a couple of walls done we can start putting up shelves, then we can unpack the boxes! Then finally we can set up the new futon in ...

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Ms Marvel updates & Belle art

Today's Princess is Belle. I didn't want to stick her in a robe à la française like I did for Cinderella, so I just picked something I thought suited her LOL I'm really pleased with this one. My Viv from Pretty Woman Ms. Marvel boots came yesterday! I'm going to make boot covers for them so that match the rest of my blacks, so they won't be quite so shiny ...

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I slept SO hard last night. And I dreamt I was at Disneyworld, which should be happy, except in the dream I was super mad at Chase! LOL. today's princess is Jane (Tarzan), dressed up :) I started on my skirt last night, got the pieces cut out and pinned together. I hope to get the majority of the work done on it tonight... minus the zipper, since I don't have ...

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Indy and her wine

Back when we were at the apartment, I bought Indy a new toy - a stuffed dog toy that looks like a bottle of wine. She didn't really seem to care for it and never played with it. Well last week I found it when I was unpacking a box of stuff that was under the kitchen sink (no clue why it was in that particular box...), and tossed it ...

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today’s art…Aurora

I still don't feel 100% but it's back to work today. I'd do just about anything at the moment to just go back to bed. today's princess is Aurora. I kept trying to draw her in unstructured medieval dresses but it just didn't look right, so I put her in a Tudor dress :)

today’s art… Cinderella

It's a nice day out so Chase and I are about to go bike-riding, so this will be a quick post. We saw Shutter Island last night. Chase got home from shooting the Tiger game and wanted to go, so we went. It was good, I really enjoyed it. Saw the preview for Iron Man 2 on the big screen, too :) Today's princess is Cinderella :) I had a hard time deciding ...

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Making Ms Marvel! And Snow White art

Costume switchup! I've decided I don't have enough time to dedicate to finishing Batgirl before Anaheim, so I'm going to push her back to summer. I'm going to move my Ms Marvel costume up to do for Anaheim instead. Ms Marvel will be pretty quick on my end... Chase is going to make the mask for me. Anyway, this week's theme for the daily princess is history! Sort of. I ...

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