I hate waking up early… Aurora art

Well its not so much waking up early, its having to get up and get ready to go immediately. When I'm putting my makeup on right after getting up, I start falling asleep at the mirror! So I have to quickly post today. today is Aurora as Belle: I tried it in blue, but it looked REALLY weird! I found all of my Senatorial Leia stuff last night, still trying ...

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today’s art… Cinderella

Need to think about it... don't know what to make, I've never good at making headers. today's princess is Cinderella, playing dress up as Aurora :) I'm on day 2 of beachbody Insanity. I'm doing the fit test everday this week til Chase can catch up with me. Monday I couldn't make it through it. I had to stop halfway through. I had to pause it 3 or 4 times and just sit. Yesterday ...

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Snow White art, Jane updates

I know it's been done before, but I decided to draw each girl wearing another princesses' main dress. I ended up doing two versions, one with the dress in the "normal" colour (ie, Belle's dress on Aurora was yellow) but then did a second version that I thought was a little more fun (ie, Belle's dress on Aurora was blue like Aurora's dress). Does that make sense? LOL. So first, ...

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today’s art, Jasmine!

I had to tweak a few things before I could upload this one :) Today is Jasmine, based on an outfit from the Art of the Disney Princess book. I'm starting to get worn out on the Disney Princesses. I have a few more to do, then I'm moving on to another set. Here's what I still have planned to do for the Disney segment: The "dress up" pics - I ...

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today’s art, Snow White…

And with this post, I'm caught up, I have nothing extra to post. Well other than posting that I have nothing interesting to say! Chase is going to be shooting a music fest all day long, so I'm going to do some artwork and sew. I'd also like to organize the boxes in the prop room again - I finished painting it yesterday.

Giselle art, basketball, etc

today's princess is Giselle. Her "other" pink dress! I loved this dress in the movie, but there's not a lot of screenshots out there that I could find of it, and no promo pics that I've ever seen. Which is too bad, I'd be tempted to make this dress otherwise! We went to the last Tiger home game today. It was fun. Ash & I were in the other seats, ...

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Mary Poppins art!

I love Mary Poppins :) Han Solo should have greeted Luke & Obi-Wan like this when they got on the Falcon.

Giselle art, and MidSouthcon schedules

today's princess is Giselle. I skipped this dress initially because I didn't care for it in the movie, but for completeness' sake, here it is. I tried all the pieces of my new costumes on last night (all i've gotten done, anyway), and was pleased. I intend to sew like crazy this weekend and have the bulk of it done so I can move on to Ms Marvel pretty soon. ...

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Aurora art

Indy is feeling better. She puked a few more times yesterday afternoon. I did what the vet said last time and waited 6 hours since last puke before letting her eat again. She held down the little bit I gave her before bed last night, and so far she's held down her breakfast. I pulled out the rug I was saving for the guest room and laid it over the area ...

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Starting out on Jane, Tiana art

I have been busy! Yesterday was crazy at work due to several mixups, then I got home to find Indy had thrown up everywhere. I spent an hour cleaning all that up. The only thing that really works is Oxi-clean, which has bleach in it, so while it cleans the puke up really well, it leaves the spot on the carpet slightly lighter than the rest of the floor. And ...

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