Organizing my Costume Closet

first, today's princess, Padme again :) Last night I really dug in and got all of the costumes I have here right now into boxes. It's a mess! But it's mostly done. I need to go get a few more bins of stuff from my parent's house tomorrow, I reckon I've got about 20 costumes not currently in a new bin. Kevin has been with us this weekend so I didn't want ...

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Interview with me

Here's an interview w/me at - I really enjoyed doing this one, I have to say thanks to Amy for her kind words!! :) eta, today's princess, Padme. Don't like how her face turned out, but oh well. also, any requests for which Padme people would like to see next? I still have quite a few of hers to do. I have a few sketched but wondering if ...

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Headed to MTAC

We are about to head to MTAC. Well, in about 3 hours. I've got the car cleaned out, I'll load it up in a bit, when Chase gets home we'll hit the road. I'm going to wear Julia tonight. Chase is have to shoot some stuff (he's one of the con photographers) so I'll be tagging along with him playing assistant :) Tomorrow morning I'll be doing Free Comic Book Day in ...

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Today’s art, Queen Amidala!

With our tax return, Chase got us a blu ray player and a surround sound system. He got it all set up last night and we tried out our first blu ray we've bought, Sherlock Holmes :) It's a huge difference from our crappy $30 dvd player from target. Chase got Enchanted on blu ray for free for his birthday from Disney (LOL) and we have Monsters Inc on dvd/blu ray (...

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today’s art… Padme green gown

Just a very quick post because Chase is being a brat and I have to go, Will post more about the weekend & new pics later.