Bruises, Randomness, Art

Things have been busy. My great-great aunt Louise died earlier this week. She was 95. Her husband, my great-great uncle died in 1964 so I never knew him. The graveside service was interesting. It was pouring rain and we were huddled under a leaking tent, but the minister who spoke was straight out of a movie, an old-fashioned country minister, with a great voice and calling us "ya'll." So I have a ...

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Jaina Solo art

I had to hurry to get this one finished to post it today, so I'll post a little more chit chat tomorrow... now I'm going to bed :P Jaina Solo Tomorrow is Star Wars in Concert so I won't have any pic to post tomorrow - but I'll make a post hopefully about it when we get home :)

Padme Funeral art & Closet progress

Nothing else to say today. Frustrated with my bins at the moment just because I can't find 3 of the tops. Where the heck did they go?? eta: Ok I'm back. I found the tops so I mostly finished off the closet, still got a bit to do - haven't seen some of my costumes yet, but mostly older and small costumes like Lum that I'm not worried about - probably ...

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71 pairs of shoes, 53 wigs

Did a quick count off the top of my head, and that's what I came up with. 71 pairs of shoes, 53 wigs. Stupid shoes. Stupid wigs. Having issues with fitting everything right now. Or, rather, finding places for everything. Really it's not so much MY costumes. All of mine would fit just fine in that closet with no issues. It's Chase's costumes that take up multiple large bins, Kevin's multiple costumes, ...

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Mara as Arica art

waiting to get picked up to go get the infusion. my aunt is going with me. feeling pukey and butterflies in my stomach. So let me post today's princess in the meantime, Mara Jade as Arica. this one was not just drawing for fun but reference as well, I'm going to be making this costume in the next couple of months, so drawing this was helpful :)

moo cards!

My mini moo cards came yesterday! They have them in a neat new box. I felt kinda sad having to just tape them to boxes, but I got about 20 extra to hand out at cons - not that I ever handed any of my original 100 out - but hopefully I'll remember them at dcon this year. I put as many of them on as I could last night, and was ...

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today’s art, Oola

today's princess is Oola :P Starting to freak out about friday (getting my infusion), but looking forward to having the rest of the day off after that. Planning on cleaning and working on the house that afternoon, maybe drawing a bit. Last night I worked on my office and got it about 80% clean, I"ll finish it up tonight.

More Closet work, and Boushh art

So yesterday when I got home I cleared out the closet in the prop room and started moving my boxes in. Right now I've just got index cards taped to the outside until I get the rest of my moo cards in (hopefully they'll be here tomorrow.) I need to unpack about 2 more big bins, and everything is pretty much done. I'm excited with how it's turned out. (Now I ...

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today’s art, Endor Leia

since I'm so late posting just a quick post to get today's pic up... I'll make a longer post in the morning, I have organizational updates :)

today’s art, Senate Padme

sorry I didn't post yesterday. I got a migraine yesterday and didn't feel like finishing this... this one took forever. Saw Iron Man 2 friday night. loved it. Can't remember what I did yesterday.