Gaga corset, and Padme art

I got a virus about a month ago, I successfully removed it that night and all was good. Well not really. Ever since then I haven't been able to upload pics - but only it certain places. I can't upload using flickr's main uploadr, which I've never had an issue with before - I have to use the basic uploader where you can only do 6 at a time. I can't ...

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Legos, and Padme Travel Gown art

We got no work done last night. It was a night for vegging out. We picked up dinner instead of cooking, watched the Tudors (one more episode and we're caught up - I really like the woman playing Katherine Parr, she's really pretty) and played Star Wars Legos. I bought the version that has the PT and OT on one, for our wii. We previously had the two separate games ...

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Padme Senate art and More Redbirds Pics

today's princess is... Padme. Shocker, I know. I got Chase's pics from the Redbirds game, and I also nicked a couple that the Redbirds team sent to us. Here's my fav from the Redbirds: And Chase's... We just look like we're having a nice conversation LOL Vader throwing the opening pitch, and me walking out onto the field.... I just liked this pic of Rockey... it had starting drizzling. I ...

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eyelashes are not bugs

today we have Padme... So the truth is I wear fake eyelashes with most of my costumes. This is for two reasons: the first, I have thin, fine eyelashes that, while they're actually decently long, they just don't look like much even with mascara. Everyday wear, mascara is fine, but not for costuming/getting your pic taken, etc. And secondly, I tend to look like a deer in headlights when ...

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Padme Battle art

finished up w/the episode 1 padmes! not feeling so hot today. almost called in. decided to get up and eat and see if i feel better, but it didn't help.

Amidala Senate art

I only have one more episode 1 outfit to go :) So I've changed up my Dragoncon costume plans a bit. I need to update the in-progress page because of it. I've dropped two costumes and added one definite, one maybe. The two I dropped are Ame-Comi Black Canary and Batgirl. Batgirl I dropped because #1, the expense - if I drop it, it frees up a lot of money to spend on ...

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Spent all day running… and Padme art

Got up this morning and went to the mall. Then to Target. Then to Best Buy. Then to Hastings (comics!). Then to Lowe's. Then back home for a few - then to the airport to drop Tom off. Then to Hancock's (bought Lady Gaga fabric, new thread holder, yay memorial day coupons). Then to Lowe's (again). Then to... the zoo. Chase rented a ginormous lens for his camera so he ...

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Redbirds Troop pics

Last night we did Star Wars night at the Memphis Redbirds' baseball game. It was a lot of fun - more than I expected! We took pics with guests and Darth Vader threw out the opening pitch. We set up right in the middle of the opening area of the park - we posed for about an hour before heading in for the game. I got a lot of hugs ...

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Padme nightgown art & Crazy Emails

Yesterday I got an email from someone who has sent me emails a few times in the past - always just forwarded stuff, nothing important, I assumed this person was someone who had emailed me once ages ago and I'd been saved in their address book, so I get this stuff they forward. Well that person sent me two emails with a bunch of pictures of household furniture and stuff... ...

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Mandalorian art

sorry it's taken me so long to get a new one up. This one took a while, in between cleaning and organizing and everything going on. this is my mandalorian costume from 2006. it took forever to do :P