More Art!

A little more refined today. When I did the first two night before last (Leia and Rey) I was just enjoying sketching and colouring quickly. I slowed down a little on the two last night and they look a little more finished. Padme is my favourite so far. I'm very happy with how this turned out. I wanted to do a Mara Jade one, ended up using photos of myself ...

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some more art

Last night I sat down, turned on netflix, got my tablet plugged in, ready to finish up my Bespin embroidery design... but I opened and realized it was pretty much done. Hooray! So since I was already there, I did some rough sketchy drawings of Leia and Rey. Added some colour. I'd like to do some more like this. They were fun and quick. In more bespin Leia news, I ...

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I'm here working on my website today... I'm avoiding social media, because it keeps reminding me that David Bowie has passed, and it's too upsetting. We lost him far too soon. So I'm focusing on working on my website and trying to get this revamp finished. And since I haven't posted much recently, I have a backlog of photos to share. We finished cleaning up the guest/prop room! It ...

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Random Stuff

Hey! I'm behind on posting. Here's what's been going on lately. Last week I made a dress for a friend for Halloween! It's not a great picture of it. The main part of the dress is a really neat, heavy matte knit that I really liked working with. My only issue was that I didn't have the best needle for it, so when I went to sew the main hem, ...

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More art

Here's ewok village Leia... And metal bikini Leia... I've been working on a Halloween costume for a friend and finished it up last night! It's not the best pic of it but it's all I've got.

More art stuff

Here's Hoth Leia

Fixing stuff

Oh hi again! I haven't updated lately... not much to update with, really. Been working on fixing broken images on my blog - so far I've gotten everything fixed back through 2008. Besides that, I did some art.

A few things

1. Dress Progress! I got the underdress totally hemmed night before last. Last night I got the other sleeve put in, and started hemming the chiffon. Mom gave me the idea to do a very small, tight zig-zag along the edge. I tested it out on some scraps and liked it. I started at the very back where I had some excess, so I could trim it off if I didn't ...

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Very Distant Lands

Indy the dog and Kell the human

Sketchblog: Winnie Sanderson

Costume sketch for Winnie Sanderson - making for Catherine. Just a rough sketch to get the basic idea of the shape of the robes/dress.