the word “sketch” holds no meaning

Like literally over the past few days I've typed the word "sketch" so many times to tag posts that it no longer looks like a legitimate word, it looks weird and wrong. SKETCH SKETCH SKETCH But I'm all done going back through the archives of my blog and adding in all the old stuff. Enjoy at your own risk and dear GOD I drew a lot in 1998. (And funny, going ...

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A Gigantic Dump of Artwork

So I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I knew I had "a couple" of sketchbooks in the attic at my parents, that I'd seen them once when I had to go up there a few months ago. I wanted to go over and grab them and see what was in them, mostly driven by knowing that some of my older artwork was lost. When I dug into the ...

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I'm here working on my website today... I'm avoiding social media, because it keeps reminding me that David Bowie has passed, and it's too upsetting. We lost him far too soon. So I'm focusing on working on my website and trying to get this revamp finished. And since I haven't posted much recently, I have a backlog of photos to share. We finished cleaning up the guest/prop room! It ...

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Very Distant Lands

Indy the dog and Kell the human

Art Post: Unfinished Costume Art

So I was trying to do this project where I was drawing each of the costumes I'd done, so I could use them as the reference in each portfolio entry -- that way, I'd have a good full-length view of the costume I'd made for the viewer to compare. I actually got a few done before I abandoned the project I never used them. Here's a few that got drawn ...

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Art Post: Shadowcat

In 2012 I did this little project where I was trying to draw the characters I've costumed as -- just quick little simple things I could use as the "reference image" on my costume site. I only got a few done before I decided I wasn't going to use a reference image at all on my site anymore LOL So these got abandoned. Some of them I like, some of them ...

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Art Post: She-Ra

In 2012 I did this little project where I was trying to draw the characters I've costumed as -- just quick little simple things I could use as the "reference image" on my costume site. I only got a few done before I decided I wasn't going to use a reference image at all on my site anymore LOL So these got abandoned. Some of them I like, some of them ...

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Sketchblog: Batgirl

Preliminary costume sketch in prep to make the costume.

Art Post: Marie Antoinette

This was a sketch I started colouring but got bored. Oh well.

Sketchblog: Wonder Woman

Just a random Wondie sketch. Not sure when it was done, sometime in 2011.