Art Post: Sailor Moon

I got her moon on her forehead upside down. Whoops. This thing is very large, 22x30. I drew it in Drawing class while we were looking at slides (which I shouldn't have done, this was supposed to be the paper I was using in class that day), then came home and painted it while watching Mission: Impossible 2. Whoo hoo!

when i named cloud dipoots

Well I'm in a better mood! I don't like it when I'm in a bad mood. It makes for boring and annoying entries like the ones below. Looking at the incredible entries Ocha got at the WCS really cheered me up, as did reading all the great comments at my Elfwood gallery. btw, most people don't know, but I upload new stuff to my Side7 account as soon as I ...

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when i wrote poetry

I feel left out. Why can't I write angsty, deep poetry? Wait a minute, wait a minute. I DO write poetry! Read on! "Hi! My name is B. Wazzup?! I like to lay the smackdown and the earth is round. Tuxedo Mask thinks he's Santa Claus! Shut yo' jaws! And Ms. Dreysdale got clawed. Jethro rocked da house And Granny cooked a mouse. Do a little dance Make a little ...

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Art Post: Eternal Sailor Jupiter

Actually this pic should have been put up a month ago, but mom put it on the fridge and I forgot about it ^^; The colours are awful in the scan, her skirt is actually green not that blueish colour x_x

Sketchblog: Jupiter

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. An Eternal-style Jupiter with her hair down.

Sketchblog: Super Sailor Moon

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. Here's a coloured pencil Super Sailor Moon with some seriously long legs!

Art Post: Sailor Saturn

I finally did a saturn pic x_x her boots look weird, I should have done purple laces!

Art Post: Sailor Jupiter

yet another pic from the SFO book! Heh, I am going as SailorJupiter for Halloween. Yeh, I know it's been done to DEATH, but I am gonna have fun :D

Art Post: Sailor Moon

um... super sailormoon. with markers :B