Art Post: Trigun

I've had this pic sitting in my head for months now and I finally did it to take to mtac. I like it for the most part.

Sketchblog: Ruby Moon

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. Ruby Moon and Suppi circa Nov 2001.

Art Post: Sailor Moon MTAC madness

Here's all of the illustration board Sailor Moon-related pieces I did for MTAC 2001! A quick boring Sailormoon done for sale at MTAC. Her eyes are too far apart. This was scanned in two pieces and I didn't put it together very well o_O; (the board was also cut crooked on one side, didn't help...) A boring old Mercury pic done to sale at MTAC. Does it show that I ...

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Art Post: More MTAC Stuff

More illustration board projects I did for MTAC... Asuka! another cruddy digicam pic... once again it was too big to scan! (you can see my vash pic behind it for scale!) I like this pic too, except I got tired of working on Yue's wings and rushed it. (and yes, he does have a mouth, you just can see it on such a small scale.) I apologise for the fact ...

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Art Post: The Super Freak Out 3 – Part 5!

More of my vacation sketchbook! Text: "funilukin" "In case I grow an extra arm" "independantly stupid" I know I misspelled independantly again... I misspelled it when I wrote it in my book, so I probably did it again. I doodled ocha at dinner, then decided to go ahead and finish it. I originally planned for Quidar to be in there too, but I ran out of room. I asked my ...

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sketchblog: ruby moon

art reference for my ruby moon costume

sketchblog: utena

art reference for my upcoming Utena costume

sketchblog: juri

art reference for my upcoming juri costume