Art Post: Juri (Utena)

One of my fav Utena characters, Juri! I know her hands look very, very wrong, but I really like this picture because of the hair. I'm gonna do another Juri pic, but with her movie design, when I get a chance.

Art Post: Utena

I did this during Illus class while sitting around (along with the coloured pencil Selphie). It's kinda creepy >< I did it specifically for the front page... besides that, I don't have much else to say. In 2016 I went through my old sketchbooks and discovered the original version of this -- she was a lot more smiley in the original!

Art Post: Touga (Utena)

A Movie Style Touga... didn't quite finish it but figured I'd post it anyway

Art Post: Utena and Anthy

This was for a website design, but I only ended up using Anthy!

sketchblog: utena

Utena sketch... for my daily sketch

Art Post: Utena

Did some experimentation with inking and colouring on this one, not sure I like it but it was interesting to do.

Art Post: Weiss Kreuz

I made this for the cover of my school binder. This was the ONLY picture I actually finished over my last summer trip to my gramma's! It was also my first time drawing Aya and Yohji, my second time drawing Ken and Omi. Ken and Omi turned out OK, but Aya and Yohji both look weird *_* Especially Yohji. He's *supposed* to be holding that stupid wire, but that's hard to ...

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Art Post: Utena Tarot

This is an Utena Tarot Card I did for the US Utena Tarot Card Project. It's kinda rushed but I liked how her face turned out! ^^

Sketchblog: Nanami (Utena)

A sketch of Nanami, I hope to finish this soon

Sketchblog: Utena design

This is a back-dated post! In 2016 I went back through my old sketchbooks and "rescued" a lot of my old, lost artwork, and I'm slowly getting them re-added to my archives. I realize this doesn't look like much, but I found a lot of these really, really rough marker sketches like this in sketchbooks from this time period, and it took me a bit to work out what they were ...

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