Quickly, before I leave for work…

I just made my Comic Con reservations :D We're at the Omni again. I love that hotel. I would have cried if it were sold out.

when we planned for C3

EEEE *geek spasm* I got my badge and my hotel room for Star Wars Celebration III!! And best of all, we're staying in an Omni again! Connected to the convention center via skywalk! It only took 4 1/2 hours to register, too. Geez. The site was absolutely choked with people trying to register. I just kept refreshing until I got done... Now I have to get dad's ticket, too. *makes face*

when i had no point

Ugh. I have been trying to get stuff ready for this thing I'm doing week after next... it's time consuming and tiresome... on top of trying to get ready for Dragoncon. AUGH. Don't even mention to me the fact that school starts back 2 days before Dragoncon. That's not even on my radar, and it won't be until September 7 (aka, after Dragoncon - that's the problem with Dragoncon - my first ...

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when sdcc was awesome

I cannot even begin to tell you how awesome today was. Right now I'm dead ass tired and tomorrow is going to be another long day (get up, pack, put on last costume, go to dealer's hall, come back, check out by noon, head to the airport, flight at 3:30, get back to Memphis at 11)

Comic Con 04 pics!

Double posting at both journals. Sorry for folks who get it twice. I've been uploading my San Diego trip/comic con pics everyday here: https://kelldar.smugmug.com/Sci-Fi-Comic--Fantasy-Convention/San-Diego-Comic-Con-2004// My favourites so far: I'll be uploading more tomorrow. :D

when we had our first full day at SDCC

Pics from this morning! UH yeah I bought this and now have to figure out how get it home. Stuck by the train MORE LATER!

when we finally got to enjoy spran diggedi

First round of San Diego pics HERE!! Preview night, plus the zoo and Balboa Park. A few selections... AHH!

when we died and went to geek heaven

Oh my great good god. I have died and gone to geek heaven. Expect lots of pictures soon from preview night...

when they found our luggage

They found our luggage!!!!!!! It's on it's way to the hotel!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!