i want auroras and sad prose

Guess what? I'm coming at yall live from my new laptop! Chase did try to fix my computer, ordered a new battery, etc. But the writing had already been on the wall for that laptop; it was buggy and super slow, and photoshop did not like it at all, I'd regularly have weird things happening in photoshop because the graphics processor couldn't keep up. We'd been shopping for a new ...

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i fell asleep amid the flowers

Well today I am coming at you from Chase's computer because... my laptop is dead! It was fine all last week, it was fine Friday, I unplugged it Friday night since we had storms coming through. Saturday morning it wouldn't turn on at all. Chase tried a few things to fix it but nothing worked, so he's got a new battery ordered to see if that's it. I doubt that's ...

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t-minus shut up

Week 2 of post-surgery life continues much like last week. On Friday I felt like I'd be well enough to go back up to my WFH office and sit at my desk like normal but then I felt kinda icky all weekend so I'm back down on the couch again. Post-op was thursday and she said all looked good. She asked if I'd seen my lab reports - I saw that ...

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hello world

I am back, minus a uterus. It all went well! We were up at 4am Wednesday morning and off to the hospital, only to find the door locked. Went into the ER and asked the nurses there and they told us they dont open til 5:30. My arrival time was 5. Went back home and got my paperwork with the number to call and they said they would be open at 5 but ...

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i got nothing

I really don't have much of anything at all to share this week, I almost was like, nah no reason to post this week, I'll save the handful of things I have for next week's post. But I figured I ought to check in before the surgery later this week. I'm SO excited. Not for like surgery but just for the end result. And less anxious than I normally am ...

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hoa hoa hoa

I'm sorry yall, I still have nothing to post about this week LOL. But I am trying to get back into the habit of my Monday morning postings. A few costume-y notes - got another set of swatches for Troi. One I like ok, I think it looks fairly close to how the dress looks on screen, but it doesn't really look like the auction photos. The Auction photos are ...

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oh my god

I did not post last week... AGAIN! Well I didn't have much to talk about so it's not like anyone was missing anything. I've been having to go to the doctor every dang week, excluding the week to disney, and it's really starting to fray my nerves. They're trying to get my blood pressure under control before surgery later this month and checking in and tweaking things weekly. Now this ...

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it’s the disney trip report

HI. We are back from Disney and I want a do-over, LOL. The weather was actually worse than I anticipated. Forecast was showing us a few days where the upper temps in the afternoon were high 50s/60s, so I thought that's shorts weather for the boys, I'll be fine in the warmer stuff I brought with me. Nope. Weather was AWFUL the ENTIRE trip. Even on the days where ...

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it’s rat time

Remember how last week I said we were finally done with white backdrop shoots? Well I lied. Chase used a different camera for the last 2 shoots (Jedi Leia and Boushh) and when I got the shots back they just looked too different than every other white backdrop shoot; I looked back lit. Which was a bummer because i really liked some of the photos especially the ones where Luna crashed ...

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thank you for your preferences

Sorry for no post monday! Or yesterday. I may have to start moving my weekly post back because Mondays are becoming too hard. And then I forget. I HAVE been working on the site though, I have all the costume pages updated with their new photoshoot pictures and notes. Yay. Speaking of, here's a recap of the photoshoot pics I've uploaded since the last post. First up, She-Ra: I'm actually ...

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