I have ART!!! Rapunzel sketch

I finally did a new sketch for 365 (which I'll be continuing next year!) I had to add Rapunzel to the Disney characters I've done. here's the sketch: Will finish it over the next few days. ps: I took my twitter feed off the sidebar til I get it fixed.

GMX 2010 Plans, Wonder Woman art

Here's the WW I did for our team's Race for the Cure shirts. (EDIT: Unfortunately this picture appears to have been lost in my move from flickr to smugmug. Sorry ! :( ) The shirt version is black and white, with a pink bodice, and pink ribbons on her gauntlets. So I finally packed for GMX - I got Jane, Wonder Girl, Mara Jade as Arica, Ms Marvel and Ame-Comi Supergirl packed. I ...

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Art Post: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman art done for a Race for the Cure team shirt -- the shirt version was in black, grey, white and pink, but I don't have the version uploaded.

today’s princess

i have art to post today!! Another Padme. Still haven't finished that wedding dress one.

i need some incentive.

Someone sent me this a while back and I never got a chance to look at it til today - random forum where some of my costumes were posted and I had to share one of the replies: "I wonder if she was auditioning for a series, or trying for an acting job and has downloaded her portfolio? Otherwise that is pretty strange. But, yet another thought, maybe she was ...

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a sketch and a wig

I've got a very rough sketch for you today... Well I didn't get any major work done on costumes last night - I spent the majority of the night trying to figure out how to do my Amidala hair now that I have shorter hair. I thought it would be easier actually... but it wasn't, I didn't take into account my shorter layers. I couldn't get it to work. I ...

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today’s princess… Padme Robe

Sorry I didn't post yesterday! I was exhausted! It's "No Kevin Week" at work - he's at camp, so we're having to do his job. Boy do you appreciate all the hard work he does when he's not there! I came home and went to sleep... then woke up and made some ruffles. More on that later. I had this done sunday night and meant to post it yesterday. Sorry! :( ...

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a whole lot of nothing… and Picnic Padme

So I did a lot of stuff yesterday, but all of it added up to nothing, pretty much. We ran errands, I messed with the serger, vacuumed, gave the dog a bath, cleaned... etc. I didn't really mess with costumes, I'm kinda stuck at the moment until I can go shopping. today I am going to finish the sleeves on the underdress for one of my costumes - I decided ...

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up too early & a sketch

I'm up early because I have a dr appt this morning. ugh! A few people suggested I make a facebook page (as opposed to my profile). I waffled about it for a while... because I really didn't see the need when I have a public profile anyone can friend. But I asked Chase if I should and he said "sure"... so I made one yesterday LOL. I'll be using it ...

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Padme Picnic Preview

I'm going to have to start posting in-progress pieces in order to post something everyday - I've got too much sewing to do for Dragoncon to be able to draw every night. So here's today's sneek peek. This week has been dragging on. Next week will be worse - Kevin will be away at camp! So work will be boring.