help me wanda

First off I loved WandaVision. I grew up watching classic tv shows like the Dick Van Dyke show, Bewitched, etc and I loved having that aesthetic mixed in with Marvel. I can't wait to see how it all unravels. Also, looking forward to WandaVision is the only thing that has held me together for the last few months. I'm glad I liked it LOL. Second... it's another week with no ...

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what fresh hell is this

I wrote this subject like an hour and haven't had the brain cells to actually write the post. And now I wrote that sentence a half hour ago. LOL. I am struggling today. I've had a migraine since Saturday afternoon and I've just felt kinda blah all over. Tired, mentally and physically. I don't feel like doing Monday. I don't really have much to post about today, either. I guess ...

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Welcome to the Monday-est Monday of them all. I'm trying to remain optimistic and put in my Disney and Dragoncon vacation days today. I feel better about Disney than Dragoncon at the moment but I am chugging ahead with all my plans for this year as though they will happen. It's really almost a repeat of my 2020 plans - I need to finish Jean's skant for Huntsville Expo in April, ...

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merry chrysler

Another Christmas come and gone. This one weirder than most. I was sad leading up to Christmas, I was sad on Christmas, and now I'm sad it's over because it's the only thing I had to look forward to. At least I have a 4 day weekend coming up this weekend. Anyway let's start with Eliza updates because she is done! Just under the wire to be a 2020 costume. For the ...

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it’s that time of the year

It's that time of the year... when school is out of session and children just stand outside and scream into the void. I wish I could join them but alas I am stuck at a desk working. Literally I've been sitting here at my desk this morning trying to get caught up from being off work Friday and there are leaf blowers and children screaming and dogs barking and that ...

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2020 wrap-up

I always looking forward to doing my end of the year costume wrap-ups. This year is sad. I really didn't think a year could get worse than 2019 and that 2020 would be a great year. Instead we got a dumpster fire. I'm angry, sad, depressed. All I want is to get eat pizza in a restaurant. Anyway. I did actually get a decent amount of sewing done this year despite having ...

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simply having a christmas

I can't believe Christmas is next week. I feel like we just had Christmas 2019. With nothing happening this year, not going anywhere, not making any memories - March-December 2020 feel compacted into just a month or two. I'm not feeling Christmas-y. It's been really hard to make myself think about presents (both giving and what I want). I have enjoyed decorating the house, I love having the house decorated with all ...

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life goes on man

First off I went ahead and added Arwen to my portfolio even though I don't have pics of me actually in it yet. I did take a video Friday: I took a few days off sewing after finishing Arwen, and this weekend finally got back into stuff for Eliza. Started disassembling the curtains which was easier than I expected - I have 5 ready to go and 1 more to take apart. ...

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she’s not there

Having a 4 day weekend was GREAT. Especially since because of... the current world situation... we didn't go anywhere or do anything. Just did stuff around the house and took naps and ate good food. Last week I pulled this costume out for a tiktok video... I posted said video Thanksgiving day and it promptly bombed. It's so frustrating; my account engagement has just been TRASH since joining the creator fund. ...

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keep my pretty name out of your mouth

Yaaaay it's only a 3 day work week. Thankfully it seems like Luna is finally past being mad at me. She's been totally normal for a week now. We did go ahead and get a Feliway plug-in as suggested by a friend (thanks Summer!) and hopefully that will help keep her mellow. She did do something last week she's never done before: That's a little table I keep in my work ...

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