disney blather

I started writing tihs post on Friday and then forgot about it halfway through. So I'm just going to finish it up today and add my weekend update to the end. Well Monday I was so annoyed I didn't even really tell yall about what we booked, did I? Plus we have a split stay so I didn't get to book the rest of it til today. So I thought ...

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im mad at disney

This morning has been an absolute clusterfuck. Today was our day to book dining, so Chase and I were up at 4:30 and ready to go with my list. Nothing came up til 5, and then the only thing we were able to book was dinner for our first night. I could see the dates after that and times but it wouldn't let book anything. "Unable to book at this time" - ...

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where’d all the time go

How is February almost over? I mean I'm not complaining because it's one step closer to disney but also I keep getting further and further behind in my projects. I am actually nearly done with Utena. FINALLY. My new shoulder trim came in last weekend so I spent last week sewing the tassels together to make big tassels. Finished that up Friday and Saturday Chsae helped me get them glued ...

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art dump

Oh hey I forgot to include this in the post yesterday so here's a rare second post in a week. I finished the Marvel project! I ended up adding 4 more characters to the original planned 24 because they weren't fitting right, I needed a few more. Since finishing them I've gotten them all put together on one file and I'll show the finished product once I have it. Just as a ...

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another day in paradise

Or rather another week of me being too tired to do anything. Tuesday we went and traded in our old phones for new ones. It took hours, like we were there til the store closed and we didn't think it would take that long so we had planned to eat dinner afterwards. Anyway I got the blue iphone and I also got a new pop wallet: That's the one I ...

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wait for me

Well let's talk this week about the fact that I still don't have my Marvel art to show yall. I actually did finish all 24 characters last week like I said, but then when I started putting them all together I decided i needed 4 more, 24 didn't fill the space correctly. I did 3 over the weekend so i'm working on the last one - Valkyrie! - tonight. But if you really want ...

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rats along his back

It's another week where I have hardly anything to show yall. I've mostly been working on the Marvel art project, which I still can't show yall anything on because I haven't uploaded any of it. I'm getting the individual pieces like 98% done then when I put them all together I'll be finishing them off, which is why I haven't uploaded anything. My goal is 24 characters, so far I have 19: Iron ...

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oh my my my

Well hi I don't have anything exciting to share this week. I've basically done nothing since my last post except work on some art and a little sewing this past weekend. No progress to report on Utena, it's still not done, but Chase sanded all my 3d printed pieces and got started painting them. Can't really do anything else til they are done. I felt like I couldn't start on ...

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try your best to hold on to sanity

A friend of mine posted something about enneagrams this morning and I couldn't remember what I was so I went to take a quiz to see. And I ran into the problem I run into everytime I take one of these personality quizes: costuming me is a very different person than real life me. Do I persevere until the job is done? In costuming, yes. In real life? Absolutely not. ...

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the endless expanse

this is my least favourite time of year because there is basically nothing to look forward to. We don't even have any work holidays until Memorial Day in MARCH. They don't even give us Good Friday off for Easter bruh. It's just an endless sea of work ahead of me. We did finish booking our Disney trip, finally. So all hotel stays booked (did a split stay, more on that ...

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