Amidala Senate art

I only have one more episode 1 outfit to go šŸ™‚

So I’ve changed up my Dragoncon costume plans a bit. I need to update the in-progress page because of it. I’ve dropped two costumes and added one definite, one maybe. The two I dropped are Ame-Comi Black Canary and Batgirl.
Batgirl I dropped because #1, the expense – if I drop it, it frees up a lot of money to spend on other stuff, and I’ve already got 3 other “big” costumes I could use those expenses on. Plus I kinda sorta lost a bit of interest in it… I’d still like to do it but I’m not gung-ho to get to it anymore.
I dropped Ame-Comi Black Canary just because I don’t think it’s that recognizable as Black Canary. It was going to be a lot of money put towards a costume I’d probably only wear once, since people wouldn’t recognize it. I was going to have to buy a wig that I can’t reuse, boots I wouldn’t be able to use, plus a lot of material. So I dropped it.
Once thing I do want to do is Donna Troy. I can use my WW wig and gauntlets, and it’s not going to cost a lot. This one is the maybe – it depends on finding a good deal on good fabric.