Star Wars in Concert

It was awesome!
When we got to the forum we hadn’t been told where to go, so we spent a while walking back and forth trying to just get in! We got in, I put on Leia (already had my hair up), and helped Ash into her X-Wing pilot and Chase into his Vader.
We had an hour to stay out in the front of the arena to take pics with people. The three of us stood in one corner and people just kept coming, we weren’t able to move. Eventually we realised a giant line had formed – people waiting to get their pic with us! It still stretched all the way back to the entrance by the time 7 rolled around – the time we were supposed to go backstage to get out of costume. We started trying to inch out and still take pics with people as we could, but finally we just had to walk… and we got booed! It really sucked, we felt really bad because people had been waiting in line for a while. But we had to go! Besides the fact we were told to leave at 7, Chase had been in Vader for over an hour and he never wears it that long, he needed to get out of it.
So we put on regular clothes – I left my buns on šŸ™‚ We checked out the exhibits quickly and then headed to our seats for the show.

It was a lot of fun. Anthony Daniels is great. Like I said on twitter, sometimes I need something to remind me that I love Star Wars, and that did it. I had chills at points! It was so fun.

My fav moment of the night was the older boy who came up to me to get a pic – he was maybe 11 or 12. After the pic he looked at me and said, “Are you the real Carrie Fisher?”
I said “yes!”
He said, “Really??”
I said “of course!”
Then he did this. It was so cute. I LOLed.

We also were a few seats and a row down from Jerry Lawler. HA.

I only have one pic. There so many people wanting to take pics I couldn’t hardly take any – I took maybe 2, and they’re on Ash’s camera – but here’s my shot of the stage before the show.