Grizzlies Game Troop pics

Chase sent me the rest of the Grizz game pics, here’s a few of them!

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With some of the Grizz Girls…

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Giving high fives to Boy Scouts backstage…

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Going down?

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Chase caught the moment one of the troopers scared the elevator operator by putting his hand on her head LOL

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Checking out the troopers LOL

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With Grizz staff…

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Everybody on the floor during the time out…

My Princess Leia costume from | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Me tossing t-shirts…

My Princess Leia costume from | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Throws like a princess..

My Princess Leia costume from May 2006.This was at a Star Wars in Concert promo, April 2010.

The guy behind me is the guy who taught me to use the t-shirt cannon, he was really nice šŸ™‚

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off we go…

Here’s the whole set!