
Makeup and me do not mix.
I can’t stand wearing it! The only time I ever wear it is when I’m in costume. And then I have no idea what to do with it. No one ever taught me what to do with it… that’s why I wanted my mom with me at MTAC.

Well Mom took advantage of the fact that I WANTED her to put makeup on me by wanting to go overboard. Ash’s mom helped too…. but I swear, when Ash’s mom came at me with that… what is it, an eyelash curler? I nearly fell over backwards into the bathtub trying to get away from it. It was scary, man!

But I’m slowly learning. Hopefully I’ll be able to do it by myself in time for Animazement. At least Ash’ll be there, and she knows more than I do. Cath refused to help me last year!

I’m thinking about doing an Ocha costume for MidSouthCon.

I’ve thought a lot of about it, how to go about doing different things… (what do you think I think about at work all day?)

I reckon I’ll need two wigs to make her hair the way I need it. I’ll probably get two white/blonde wigs the right length and dye them the correct colour and style it from there. Since I’d have extra hair, I’d be able to clip a bit ot make the tuft on the tail. And with the two wigs’ thickness I’ll be able to hide the thing holding the ears. I plan on having the ears attached to the wig (but removable) instead of wearing them on a headband. I’ll have to use facepaint for my face and probably neck, but not for my arms and hands. If I can’t find some sort of bodysuit that covers my hands and neck, I’ll have to paint my neck and dye long gloves the correct colour. I just can’t have paint on my hands, imagine the mess!

The costume itself would be fairly easy. We could probably make the jacket without pattern, but it’ll have to be nice stiff fabric. The dress/shirt (which is all one piece underneath the jacket) could be made using a modified shirt pattern – or if I’m lucky I could find a dress pattern close enough to it. I’ve got the perfect pants – I found them when we were cleaning out and saved them, thank goodness.

The shoes… Ocha has hooves, so that presents a problem. I think I’ve figured out how to do it, but I’m not good at explaining… so I won’t.

I’ve only got 2 costumes planned for MidSouthCon, and one is Misato’s NERV outfit… I could hold that off until Animazement… my poor Misato wig, at this rate it’ll never get used! LOL