Katsu 2004 schedule

I’m sending off my pre-reg for Katsu tomorrow. here’s my final costume list.
(that is, final until I change it again! har)
Friday (in order, supposedly): Honda Tohru, Yuffie, Asuka plugsuit, Arwen wedding, Morrigan
Saturday: Nanami, honda tohru, Angel Belldandy, Manga Belldandy, Misato

Nothing on sunday ’cause I’m leaving too early. I keep thinking that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s 9. that’s a lot. I really shouldn’t be wearing Angel Bell again but I’m sooo tempted. For now I’m taking her.
I’m wearing Arwen because I’ll want to wear it again, dammit. I’ve paid enough on this damn costume that I should get to wear it every damn day if I want to.
Morrigan just because I need to wear it again. Bloody bastard costume.
Nanami cause I love that costume I need to wear it again. Tohru AGAIN because it’s NEW. And Manga Bell all saturday late afternoon/evening because that’s my supposed “Big” costume. Even though it’s not really. I’m not participating in OR watching the masq – I’m going to stay in the hall and hopefully they’ll have a photography area set up again this year, because i’ll want to take pics with my fancy new camera šŸ˜€
And Misato because I still like that costume, and I wanted something simple but recognizable for saturday night/dance. Although I don’t dance I still like to look in and hang around.

Anyway, why no masq for me? My main reason is because I’m going to be alone. While I really don’t mind going on stage along, I don’t feel like my little manga Bell costume will have enough OOMPH to even do a walk on. And I hate being backstage by myself, although i guess I could get them to let my mom in as a wrangler since my costume is going to be kinda annoying. And there would be people back there I’d know, I guess, but still. I don’t feel like dealing with the stress. Last year at Katsu it didn’t really matter, but when I’m going out there in a walk on based solely on my craftsmanship, I always get stressed out. I hate that part of it.
So I’m not going to do it this year. i’m just going to relax~~
No, I think I’d have much more fun just sitting in the hall in my Bell costume and messing with my new camera and taking pictures of the contestants.
So unless God comes down, points his fiery finger at me and proclaims “Thou shalt take part in the katsucon masquerade!” …. I’m not going to.