Halloween 2002 & Arwen thoughts

I’m very happy with my Arwen costume!! šŸ™‚ Some problems I had with it:
1) Hand sewing came undone again, this time on the belt buckle. It didn’t come all the way off but started slipping. Hand Sewing was starting to come undone on the sleeve.
2) Stepping on the skirt. No wonder women in the olden days didn’t do much of anything, they’d keep tripping all over their dress.
3) Underskirt kept moving to one side and getting off center.

My Arwen (Lord of the Rings) costume from October 2002.My version of her Chase dress.This pic is from Halloween 2002.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram My Arwen (Lord of the Rings) costume from October 2002.My version of her Chase dress.This pic is from Halloween 2002.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Easy to fix problems, except for the stepping thing. That’ll just take practice, I guess.
Tonight I wear Amidala to that stupid dance, and then partial Lum to Rocky Horror. (too cold to wear the whole thing, I’m going to wear the top and the wig and the ears, and then my black leather pants and jacket.)