
Apparently I have an evil doppleganger. People are always saying to me, “I saw you at -con I didn’t go to-!” At MidSouthCon, 4 seperate people said they saw me there last year – I didn’t go last year! It’s kinda creepy. I just nod and smile when people say something like that. I really must have a doppleganger. Maybe not evil – or, maybe I’m the evil doppleganger! Eek!

I bought a bunch of stuff at Hobby Lobby today. A big sheet of metal, for my Ozma crown. Several flowers – couldn’t find just the right ones for Ozma so I got double, so if I don’t find the right thing at Michael’s later I can just add the petals from the extra ones to it. Some new daisys for the Beetle. Black funky fun foam, a brooch for Ozma, a blank bag I want to put a patch on (I needed a little bag to carry at Akon since dad won’t be with me to keep my room key and stuff), and two blank t-shirts, which I don’t know what I want to put on yet but they were cute.
I think that’s all…
ok, naptime…