Hild progress updates

Cosplay.com finally has a dragoncon forum šŸ˜€

Um I finished all my wristbands and anklebands. I finished all the straps on the front bodice part of the dress, and attached the sleeves last night.
To-Do List:
-Finish cutting out the streamers
-Sew them together
-Attach them to the shoulders
-Finish the pink stripe down the back
-Do the pink stripes on the sleeves
-Put all the gold nailheads in
-Do all the yellow lining
-Reattach rings to my shoes
-Trim the wig, figure out what to do with the ball things that are supposed to go on the hat but I don’t like them there.
-Finish necklace

I’m hoping I can finish all that this week, and then on Monday when I have the day off I can knock out Ozma, too.