good luck babe

Well I don’t have as much progress to show today as I would’ve liked, but I did cross a big hurdle with my Padme build. But before I get into all that, let’s do a puppy pic dump.

Friday my parents had to go up to help my granddad with some stuff, and Skye went to doggy daycare for the day, but Walker is still too little. So she got to come stay with me all day šŸ™‚

Ad she was such a good girl!

Of course I was working so I set her up in my work office with me, with her kennel, her bed, food, water, toys, a pee pad.

Originally I set up a piece of foamboard to keep her from leaving the space around my work station, but she kept getting around it… and once I took it down, she no longer had any interest in going over there anyway LOL

She slept a lot.

But then she’d wake up and it was time to go outside, and then time to play, and then time for another nap LOL We made it outside 3 out of 4 times which I think is pretty good for a little puppy – the one time she went inside was really my fault because I didn’t take her out immediately after the nap.

After I was off work I carted everything downstairs. Luna was in her cat condo. She’d spent the morning hiding because Skye came in with my parents during morning drop off, which scared her and she was wedged behind the washing machine for a long time.

At one point when I came down with Walker to go out, she was on the window sill and froze. As soon as we were outside, she ran back into the laundry room – but didn’t go behind the washing machine. When we came back in I stood a few feet away from the laundry room door and just let her observe Walker (in my arms) for a couple of minutes.

So then after work when I came downstairs with the puppy, she just watched from her tower. No hissing, no running, no hiding. Eventually I laid down on the couch with the puppy who fell back asleep, at which point Luna got down from her tower, walked all around and sniffed all of Walker’s things. Walker woke up and kinda watched her from the couch, and Luna watched her from the floor.

Then Luna started her usual late afternoon dinner begging, so she was trilling, walking back and forth to the kitchen. So I got up, Walker in my arm, got her food, and knelt down and put it on her plate – at which point Luna was about 6 inches away from the puppy. She sniffed me, looked at Walker, and then ate.

Of course it helped that Walker was super chill, wasn’t barking or squirming, just chilling. I think Luna would’ve ran if she hadn’t been, but overall I was incredibly impressed with how Luna acted all afternoon. It makes me think maybe we COULD actually get a dog sometime soon?

Here’s a pic of Skye and Walker napping together after they got home. Skye is still really iffy on Walker despite this LOL Mom said they had to coax Skye to stay there.

Still Queen of the House

Chase found these cuties at Ross and got them for me! OMG I love them.

Saturday we ran some errands and I worked on Padme a bit. Sunday I had more sewing plans — we had Mother’s Day lunch first which was a little bit of drama LOL. And took forever. I had to go to Joann afterwards, so we didn’t get home from lunch and errands til about 4:30. So much for that. I decided to forego sewing for the day. Back at it tonight.

But what DID I get done in the last week?

I pushed the mockup as far as I felt like I needed to:

All just pinned together and the front crossover sections are just roughly pleated. But I felt good enough about this to move on to real fabric.

All of my pattern pieces ready to go… you guys know I don’t normally do this many paper pieces for my costumes, but since I knew I was going to be tight on my real fabric, i wanted everything as “finished” as possible for no mistakes.

I managed to squeeze everything into the 10 yards, with nothing but scraps left. I would’ve liked to get one more lining piece out of it, but didn’t have room, so instead I’m going to make some facings from what I have left.

And if I screw up… I’m just going to be ok with getting more fabric and starting over. This fabric wasn’t expensive so I’ll live.

Reason for the Joann run yesterday was i needed different material for the bodice and skirt linings. I had some scuba I had wanted to use, but my main fabric is SO thin that the scuba fabric shows through, and its more a dusty blue while my main fabric is more like an aquamarine, so I need a lining that matches better. I got something at Joann I’m not super excited about, but it’s fine. Hopefully.

Tonight I’ve got to recut the lining layers in the new fabric, then get that all assembled and I think I may start with the skirt because that seems like the easiest thing.

Ugh I’ve got so much new art I need post. I need to get the midcentury project page finished. Next week I swear.