dusty af

Nothing like a slightly different angle of morning sun (like time change) to really show you how dusty your work desk is. Gotta get the swiffer up here.

I spent last week working on my Star Trek skant.

Got the panels put together

It was overall way too big so spent one afternoon sitting in just the new bra getting it fitted down, especially through the shoulders and sleeve openings.

I was really hoping to get it mostly done this weekend but Sunday ended up being weird (more on that later) so I didn’t get as much sewing time as I expected. But I did get the sleeves on, hemmed, front closed up and started sewing on the sleeve braids before I realized they were way uneven so I stopped to redo later.

Still got to hem the inner parts of the openings at front and back, hem the bottom, and then do the collar. My patch arrives today! I should actually – without trying to stretch it – be able to have it finished by next weekend which means I’m officially ahead of schedule on projects this year and I can get started on Nadja or rebels Leia next. Rebels Leia probably easier to get fabric here quicker. I should probably start shopping for that this week.

Last week I shopped around to find some replacement basic black heeled boots… because my previous ones have sadly died šŸ™ The nice leather ones I bought back in 2004, I used them for my Imperial Officer, Black Widow, Lady Blackhawk, etc. Last time I got them out for my Black Widow dressing video, I discovered that the rubber soles had fully cracked on both. Horizontally right across the widest part of the foot. Bummer!

So I found these used Clarks boots on ebay for $40. I liked the shape, Clarks should be more comfy than my old ones (my old ones were painful to stand in for more than a minute or two LOL), so I got them.

Upon arrival I again loved the shape, didn’t care for the little extra stitching at the ankle but whatever… then I unzipped them and

Look at this cute patterned fabric on the inside? Like what! It’s so dang cute! I’m sad no one will ever see it LOL

but anyway yeah I’m very happy with the purchase, they fit great.

Also early last week I submitted a bunch of costumes to the Rebel Legion. I got Jedi Leia, Packing Padme and Padme Lake gown approved so far. I think Liberty Dies will be approved too. i also submitted the Poe Dameron comic Leia which I doubt will get approved – I couldn’t find a standard. And I did submit Post Senate Amidala but again I dunno about that one. No hard feelings if either doesn’t pass, just thought I’d see what would stick.

I wanted to submit ceremonial Leia – but I still don’t have the bracelet so I knew it would get kicked back for that. Maybe I’ll have chase print that next month and wear her to huntsville and take some submission photos. I didn’t submit any of my new era Leias either — TFA because I want to remake the outer dress first (plus, most of my photos are with the first really bad inner dress – I only have like 5 photos with the new inner dress), Crait because apparently the inner dress is supposed to be brown and mine is black, and Raddus because I don’t have the right earrings (I use my Crait earrings). And I don’t have the second ring for either Crait or Raddus. So those will have to wait too.

Friday I went to pick up Kevin for a Mario Day party at Crosstown. At his house I found some photos that had probably belonged to my grandma:

Signing copies of SunDowner at the print shop in 2002

I think this is a really cool relic to find. But what people don’t know is how MAD I was in that photo LOL. It’s a long story but I was not happy to be signing that day. The only ones I wasn’t mad about was the ones I signed for my grandparents… which I now own again LOL.

Kristie messaged me after I posted that pic on IG and said I look like my Mema there. I’ve never thought I looked like Mema and nobody ever said I did either. So that made me really happy.

Me and Kevin getting into something

So yeah picked up Kevin Friday after work, headed downtown to Crosstown for the Mario Party!

But first, dinner at Global Cafe.

Kevin had Somalian spaghetti with some very yummy fried plantains.

And I had this very very yummy fried chicken.

I asked Kevin if he wanted to wear his Link costume but he said no. It was the closest thing we had to a Mario costume LOL I did put him in a Legend of Zelda shirt, but discovered it had a hole in it, so he wore Sora instead.

The party was fun, there was a band playing video game music, free arcade games (though the lines for the games were long). I tried to get Kevin to get a temp tattoo and he wouldnt LOL

I mostly enjoyed walking around looking at the art galleries while video game music played in the background.

Kevin spent the night and we played star wars lego. Here he is playing a video game within a video game.

He went off to a movie with Nana and Kristie saturday morning.


Saturday I did get some good sewing time in, took a nap, finished the new episode of Picard while we ate dinner (IT’S SO GOOD)

Sunday we were awakened at 6AM by a dog barking. Turned out to be the people behind our neighbor – never heard this dog before so I don’t know if someone was visiting them with a dog or they got a new dog or what. But they put the dog out at 6AM, dog started barking nonstop. After a half hour of trying to get back to sleep I went upstairs and slept in my sewing room hallway. Since the attic door is right there, if the air is on, it is an AMAZING white noise machine. I like to think it sounds like sleeping on a starship LOL. So I was able to sleep up there til about 9. But it was still really irritating and the dog kept barking barking barking making other dogs in the neighborhood bark too and I felt like I was going to lose my marbles, so Chase said get dressed let’s go to breakfast.

So we went to Big Bad Breakfast and then ran to Kohls so Chase could do an amazon return.

At Kohl’s I found this:

On the clearance rack for $13. I thought it’d make a great picnic Padme disneybound so I got it, even though we’re not going to disney anytime soon. I’m not going to do much to it – maybe print the dragonfly pin for the front, add some ribbons? And get some hairnets. For $13 I was very happy with this.

Then we ended up over at Kevin’s house again where Winston tried to eat my hair.

Hung out over there for a bit, came home and took a nap. then my parents texted asking if we wanted to meet them for dinner so we did that.

came home to try to watch the oscars but couldn’t find it streaming on any of our platforms, so Chase just watched whatever while I watched tiktoks. blah.

so this week – finishing up the star trek dress, shopping for Rebel Leia fabric… and start packing for our trip next week!