do you or do you not feel bonita

Let’s jump right in – my undergarments for my star trek dress came in Tuesday! Yay!

Unfortunately did not fit. Boo.

Ok so the cincher is just a little bit big and doesn’t seem to do anything, I think I should have sized down, but I’ll just take up the back seam, nbd.

But the bra… ok so the bra fit great through my underbust/ribcage/shoulders which is saying something because I’m really petite in those areas and generally have a hard time fitting that. But then of course my stupid big boobs didn’t fit at all. Like I knew it probably wasn’t going to fit exactly but I thought I could make it work. I could not make it work. The little cups on the bra fit maybe half my boob into it. Ugh.

I didn’t feel like sending it all the way back to the UK and getting a bigger size that would then NOT fit my shoulders or ribcage. So I took my little seam ripper and removed the cups and decided to make new ones.

I spent all last week and Saturday messing with these bra cups. I went through about 6 different pattern iterations in 3 different fabrics. Finally late Saturday afternoon I got the pattern tweaked enough to where my boob fit in the cup without a giant ugly seam visible through my mock-up dress. Yesterday I got the cups sewn in and had to do MORE modifications after that, because the seams didn’t quite conform. In the end the cups are not as pointy as the original which is disappointing and the whole reason I spent the $75 on this bra, but I have one more thing to try. If that doesn’t work I’m just leaving it.

Anyway all of that was especially frustrating because I had to keep taking everything off and fighting my way into this bra to check the fit MULTiPLE times on Saturday/Sunday. Hate that. And Saturday we were having roof repairs done, so I couldn’t even change in my sewing room, I had to go down the hall to the bathroom everytime because even though the roof part that was being repaired wasn’t right under my sewing room window, it was close enough I wasn’t taking a chance even with the curtains closed.

And of course I have no pics from any of this because it really wasn’t something I wanted to share, except:

I just looked down while ironing and discovered this, didn’t even feel it. I think I scraped myself with a pin when putting the bra on at one point.

And not long after that I stabbed myself in the other hand with a pin and then STEPPED on a pin. i think the universe was telling me to stop.

(The pin I stepped on was in my mockup. Mockup was on the floor. I didn’t step over it quite far enough and a pin that was angled up went into my foot. It didn’t like, go in far at all like maybe a millimeter but it was enough I had to pull it back out and it made me mad LOL)

So that was my weekend. I didn’t get to work on the dress at all last week. Just taking this damn bra off and on.

I did go to Joann Saturday night and get thread and a zipper and rickrack for the dress, so I’m ready to go. Hopefully now that I’ve got the bra at least wearable I can get the dress assembled this week.

I DID, however, finish my Leia wig so that’s something.

it took 2 days for the wig to dry after being curled. Got it brushed out (difficult on a wig this long), cut the bangs off, sewed the braid on, and decorated it. Used some leftover cord in the back as drapey things cuz why not.

Might add more flowers I dunno?

But wedding Leia is unofficially done. I haven’t put it all on so who knows if I find anything I need to fix when I do.

Thursday we celebrated my uncles bday!

Had a good dinner too.

i’ve really been trying to get more active, so last week I started walking. My goal is 10K steps a day – I don’t always get to that but I did friday! Yay. I’m doing a walk after work and then doing some laps around the house a few times a day.

Didn’t get to walk Saturday at all except a few laps around the house. The roof repair that was supposed to be 3 hours turned into a 10 hour gig. Yikes!

Sunday did a little work on the bra then had hair appointments.

Back to red!

Then ran a few errands, went to dinner with Nana, Kristie, Cath and Rach and then came home. I played star wars lego for a bit, we watched part of a movie then i went to bed early because my head hurt. Still hurting this morning. It’s the weather yoyo,