superb owl

oh hi there

Leia is pretty much done. I sewed down the support ribbon in the center back, finished sewing on the swirls on the lower sleeves, and i finALLY tried it all on to mark off where I need to cut and attach the ribbon belt.

I haven’t done the belt attachments yet – that will be tonight. But i’d been avoiding doing that for a while just because I didn’t feel like putting it on.

I did discover that i think i made the back neckline like an inch too high. Because when it’s zipped up all the way the neckline pulls in too tight and it pulls the front pleats out of whack, but if I leave it unzipped like an inch it all sits correctly. I guess that’s the difference between the way it fits on me vs the dressform.

Went to Joann friday night and picked up some flowers for the wig, thread for the coat project, some gold trim to weave into the wig and some leather lacing for the boots.

I looked at the fur at joann and didn’t like any of it, it was all too thick. decided I’d just go home and dig out the boot topper fur I used for Teela 20 years ago. Tried that on with it and it’s too long and I don’t want to cut out.

Dug around a little more and found 1 small piece of white fur with a center seam. It’s some of the random bits of fur I was given after a production of Narnia. After unpicking the center seam each piece left was the PERfECT size and shape to fit around the top part of the boots. Serendipity.

So I think I’m just going to put a piece on velcro on the back of the fur to close it, then it’ll tuck into the top of the boot. then I’ll just wrap the leather cord around the leg of the boot.

i am still considering making a boot cover similar to my Hoth Leia ones where it’s just kinda like a drink sleeve only partially covers the boot and is held on with the leather cord. Going to mess with that tonight. It would just help create the seam lines you see in the second art.

Waiting on my payout from IG this month to buy my wig. Excited to decorate it with the flowers. one of my fav things to do.

Coat project…

I took up the sleeves. It was easier than I expected – I could get to the seams by going through the bottom. I just unpicked it at the shoulder, took up the center seam, then resewed it. Also took it up a little at the armpit too. And I added an interior pocket.

Still thinking about cutting off like 3 inches on the bottom to shorten it because I think it’s a little long on me. And I can use what I cut off to make a sash.

We did Valentine’s dinner Saturday night. Fondue!! My fav. We watched Clueless, which Chase had NEVER SEEN.

Sunday we went to ikea and I got this frame on clearance. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at first but after I got it home I realized the (plastic) “glass” portion had a small crack in it. No big. Went through my art collection to see what I had tht would fit and all I had was…

I dig it. Think I may hang it up in the kitchen. I won this (signed) print back in 2013 for making a dragoncon vine LOL. It’s appropriate it’s from Dragoncon 2005, the year Chase and I met.

Recorded some tiktoks saturday because I have NO content with the costume history series being over. Still have lash glue stuck in my lashes ugh.

Also did get my undergarments for the trek costume ordered. They are on the way! When they get here I’ll start on that.

Last night we watched the super bowl. Or rather I sat and played the sims while chase watched the super bowl. Halfway thru the second half, Kevin’s dad asked if we had him – Kevin wasn’t answering the phone and was home alone. So after the game we went over to check on him. He was fine… his phone was in his room while he was in the living room… watching the super bowl?

I asked why he was watching the super bowl and he said his dad told him to. So he did LOL.

Anyways that’s it for this week. I would say “hoping to finish wedding leia this weekend” again but it’s not gonna happen because I haven’t ordered a wig yet! And really who cares it’s not like I have anywhere to wear it to anytime soon.