photoshoot – round 2

Oh hey so yeah I totally didn’t post last week. Monday was crazy busy I was like, I’ll just do it tomorrow and then I forgot.

Not like I really had much to post about anyway. Outside of the photoshoot I have basically done nothing except play Star Wars Lego.

Let’s start with the interesting stuff – photoshoot results!


Ok so Hild even after being let out does not fit the way it used to LOL I’m bigger all around but especially the… girls. It took nearly an entire roll of athletic tape to strap everything up and then the front edges of the dress just baaaaaarely came to where they needed to be and I ended up having edges of the tape showing. Had to very carefully go in and shoop out the edges that were showing.

My goal with these is to present the costume as close to the original as possible and I wouldn’t have had athletic tape showing back in 2004 LOL. Hell I didn’t even have to use athletic tape back in, I had this little sticker thing I used back then that worked fine. No longer the case.

Did run into trouble putting it on when I ran out of double stick tape for the dress. This baby was held on with 4 3 in pieces and a hope and prayer. That was frustrating since by that point I’d obviously already taped my chest up, painted my forehead, gotten in the wig, etc – only to realize I barely had any double stick left. Made it work but part of me kinda wishes I’d taken it off and set it aside to shoot another time. Ah well. Deep down, I know if I’d done that, I’d have never ever gotten it shot on the backdrop.

And now for the misfit costumes… these were the ones I REALLY wanted to shoot because I only had like 1-2 pics of them previously so I’m really excited to have good pics of them now.


This is not the oldest costume I’ve shot on the backdrop – I’ve done a couple from 2002 – but I think its the longest time from costume completion to photoshoot I’ve had. It’s 20 years old!

Brushing out this wig was terrifying. It was a super cheap party city wig, super shiny, weird short wefts in the back… and everytime I brushed, I feel like 25% of the hair came out in the brush LOL

Not the original shoes but as close as I could find. I think it’s the original tights – they got rolled in Marasiah Fel to wear underneath her white bodysuit.

Leia Doll Poncho

So glad to finally have photos of this. I’ve told the story of how this costume got abandoned at my parents’ house for like 12 years already so I won’t talk about it again, but glad she’s back in my closet and I finally have her properly documented.

I shot this with 2 different pairs of boots – the original boots (which were my Selphie boots from 2001) and a pair with a higher heel. Also did finally add some sunglasses to it (like the concept drawing) which I always wanted to.

Wonder Girl

Yay! This one is from GMX 2010 and that’s the only time I ever wore it. New belt buckle to replace the one that fell apart and disappeared – Chase 3d printed and painted it for me. The jeans aren’t the original ones, those are long gone, but as close as I had in my closest. Thankfully still had the felt stick on stars – they were stuck on my “random costume pieces” bin in Kevins closet LOL

I feel like the cut of those jeans makes me look really short. I’m sorry I love boot cut but I can’t go back.

Besides photoshoot stuff… I did get my Christmas present from Chase in the mail:

MoM Scarlet Witch fabric. When will I actually do this? Dunno, I’m thinking later this year after dragoncon.

And funnily enough, I also just got my birthday present from Chase LOl

He wanted to get me new boots for my birthday last year (in september!) but I drug my feet trying to find something I liked. I finally found these Ugg boots well enough to pull the trigger. Need to get them broken in before vacation in March.

Not much else to report on. Like I said I’ve mostly been dealing with photoshoot pics and playing star wars lego. I got tired of waiting on Chase to want to play so I started my own individual game and at this point I’ve gone past where we were in our shared game LOL. I’ve done all of the OT, PT and now onto the sequel trilogy. I think before I get too deep in the sequels I may go back and do some free play so I can unlock some extra stuff.

Anyway that’s all for this week. I SWEAR I’m getting back to wedding Leia this week – I know I said that 2 weeks ago, but I really am now. I told myself I have to work on it for 30 minutes tonight before I go play games LOL

Also – I am actively updated the site constantly – going thru every costume entry and checking the links and adding anything new, especially updating the “related costumes” links at the bottom since I tend to ignore those when adding new costumes, so if anything is funky when you click on it – you know why.