spoOoOoOky halloween

Once again I don’t have much to post this week. But I’m going to divide my post into segments today instead of going chronologically.

I actually do have a small sewing update this week.
Belle is wearable!

I had sewn the hook and eye tape on and tried it on – and it was gaping. So I had to remove and reattach it slightly further back – worked ok this time. I’ve got one spot where it’s pulling funny but I’m not going to redo it again and damage the velveteen.

So after this I finished getting the hook and eye strips sewn in place and then basted the sleeves in.
I just need to get the sleeves machine-sewn in and then get the ribbons for the bustling of the skirt sewn in place.

And then finish the shoes. I did make a ribbon for a hair bow the other night, too. So I don’t have much more to do on this, I’m going to wear her to MCFC in 2 weeks.

And I did finally order my velvet for Arwen, supposed to be here today! I’m excited to see it. This week I’m gonna order my spoonflower fabric for the sleeves! After that I’ll just need some fabric for backing the sleeves and my beads and I can get started on her.

Chase’ll be busy this coming weekend so I’ll have plenty of time to play in my sewing room.

Halloween was ok? We didn’t really get to “do” much, I had several events I had wanted to go to leading up to Halloween and ended up not doing any of them.
The temps dropped Halloween day which sucked, we’d been in the 70s leading up to it, and then Halloween day it was highs in the low 50s and lows in the 30s with a freeze warning.

Despite that, we had a better showing of trick-or-treaters than we’ve had in the last few years, I think we probably had about 25? I’m excited for next year since Halloween is on a Saturday, hoping that improves our numbers.

I had a poll on my instagram about which costume I should wear: Snow White, Tinkerbell, Leia, or Sarah Sanderson. Sarah won so that’s what I wore. Turned out to be a good choice, I’d say about 25% of my trick or treaters were generic witches. The last little girl who came to the door before we shut down said “I was gonna be you this year!” so I gave her like 4 giant handfuls of what was left of our candy. LOL.

The best part of the night was our decorations. We had our pumpkins of course, I had the sticky things on the windows, the butler in the dining room window with our spooky candle table, and the tombstones and mummy. And I put some lights around the front door. Then Chase bought some more stuff on amazon that arrived that night and he put those up when he got home – pumpkin lights and a ghost projector!

Next year we’re going to add more and also get some little lights to put on our pathway because we realized it’s kinda hard to see walking up there at night.

Oh and I could not find my Sarah wig. Wasn’t in my Sarah box. No clue where it got stuck. So I dug into the closet-closet trying to find out. Pulled out the Black Canary bin – since that’s the only other costume I wear that wig with – and saw a blonde wig in a bag so I assumed that was it and pulled it out. Went to put it on Halloween night and nope, that wasn’t it – Valkyrie shares a bin with Black Canary and it was my Valkyrie wig.

So I had to quickly dig around for a stand-in wig and it ended up being my She-Ra wig. AKA my oldest blonde wig. I bought that wig in 2002. That wig is old enough to drive..

Ok so yeah work is nuts. There’s a lot of sucky parts going on right now. Like 95% sucky and 5% maybe ok. The 5% is that I’m going to be working from home pretty soon. I’m looking forward to that. I hate getting up and going out to my cold car every morning. It’ll be nice to just roll out of bed and go upstairs and turn on my computer.

But that means I gotta make a workspace. We’re setting me up in the guest room – which is mostly more like “box and junk room” at the moment. So I spent a long time this weekend trying to get it organized and cleaned up. It’s getting there… though most of the mess has just migrated to the upstairs hallway.

So that’s most of my plan for this week. Those last few things on Belle and finishing getting the room set up. And trying not to panic over the remaining 95% sucky part of work.

Been playing the sims again lately. (Honestly anytime you see me playing the sims a lot it’s almost always because I have something else I should be doing but I’m stressing and don’t want to think about the stress. Like how the weekend before Dragoncon every year my brain is like “let’s just go play sims instead of finishing all this stuff” and have to be like, NO.)

Chase and I watched The Shining weekend before Halloween since he’d never seen it, and I thought it would be fun to make a Torrance family and an Overlook Hotel. I tried to just find an Overlook in the gallery but most of them used a lot of stuff from packs I don’t have. I found one that at least had LESS stuff I didn’t have and went to place it… and didn’t have a lot big enough anywhere except in my brand new Island Living world (it was on sale so I bought it). Soooooo the Overlook is now a beach resort. LOL.

So I moved in an old lady who would eventually be the ghost of room 237, and this Overlook I downloaded was… NUTS. For one thing it was half in the water and for another thing almost everything was blocked off. It was super weird. So I demolished it and just built my own. It isn’t perfect… and it’s still a beach resort LOL. But I was pretty happy with how it turned out.

So I moved my Ghost Lady in, she died, then I moved in my Torrance family. Made Jack a writer of course. Wendy just kinda wanders around and swims and sunbathes a lot. (Good for her! Get that relaxation!) Danny made friends with the Ghost Lady so that’s nice.

Of course I planned for Jack to go crazy and get really mad — my plans were for him to get the “enraged” moodlet and die from anger. And then I was just going to abandon the game.

But I was having so much fun in this Overlook I built that I kept playing it, and eventually Danny grew up into a teen. And then since expansions and sets were still on sale, I downloaded the vampire expansion… and made a SUPER CUTE manic-pixie dream girl vampire (she has lavender hair and bright blue eyes and dresses in all pinks and pastels). She and Danny met and fell in love. Danny grew into an adult and his vampire girlfriend moved in. Now they have a daughter so Jack and Wendy are loving grand parents. Ghost Lady still checks in from time to time. And they adopted 2 cats. Vampirella and Peter Cushing.

I only have one pic and it’s of Peter Cushing.

So that’s my alternate storyline of The Shining. LOL.

Random Stuff!

Saturday I got to have breakfast with my friendddddddddds

And since I was down that way, finally decided to go check out our new Joann Fabrics. Ours moved SLIGHTLY closer to home and I wanted to see the new store.

It’s so nice! Not any bigger but – at least for now – much better stocked and everything looks so much nicer.
Didn’t buy anything. I was so proud of me.

In other news, Luna has been extra clingy lately.

She wanted to be right on top of me while I was trying to sew on my hook and eyes. Instead she settled for right next to me.

So that’s all I have for this week. Will be spending most of Monday at work trying to pack stuff up around actually working.