so many puppy pictures

I hope everybody had a nice thanksgiving!

Let’s start off with my overdue Amidala photos. First, a few from the con.

Fancy couch (I want one like this)

I probably posted this one last week but oh well.

And at Overton:

“I want to take a picture in that chair”

And now on with the show.

Monday I finished up Ursula! Took it up to the school and thankfully it fit 99% right. The only thing I had to adjust was the straps – I made them too long! So I fixed those as soon as I got home and then sent it away again! Hooray. Had play practice both Mon and Tues night… we got the backdrops finished and hung up finally!

So on Tuesday, my grandma had a dizzy spell and high BP, so they took her to the ER. She ended up being dehydrated so all was ok but they kept her overnight to make sure. So Wednesday, my parents had to go up to bring her home. They didn’t know WHEN the hospital would get around to releasing her, so since they didn’t want to leave the puppy alone for hours, they brought her to me at work.

This was great because I was here by myself that day so I had some company!

Although my company spent most of the day sleeping LOL

Thursday was Thanksgiving of course. Slept in a bit and then got dressed and headed up to Jackson for lunch.

Both of my grandmas. Neither of them wanted me to take a picture LOL

And mom brought Skye so we spent most of Thanksgiving lunch watching her, playing with her, following her around…

Cooked dinner at home that night.

Daisy does not appreciate being compared to sour cream.

After dinner we decided we were bored so we ventured out into the madness. We went to Best Buy – which was the busiest I’ve EVER seen that store but it was a well-managed chaos. I got cases for both my regular camera I got this summer and one for my instax camera – both needed one pretty badly. Then we went over to Target because they had the Greatest Showman on sale for $4 and I wanted it. But couldn’t find that version… I did end up with Stranger Things season 1 for $6 so that’s pretty good. That’ll be a good one to have in my sewing room in the future. Target was a lot more disorganized than Best Buy so we didn’t stay there long.

Friday I got up and went over to my parents’ house to help mom with the 7 mermaid costumes.

And to play with Skye, of course.

Mom was making the “tail” skirts while I worked on the fins and “wings” made of the matching netting.

The “wings” will be attached to the back of the tops — then we’ll have loops at each end for the girls to wear around their wrists. These were inspired by some of the broadway looks we saw, so that when the girls are “swimming” the netting will sway back and forth.

They can go 80s prom dress really easy!

Friday night (and also Saturday night but I’m just going to roll these two together) I went home and worked on my ears. I had an idea to make some of my own Minnie ears a couple of weeks ago. I thought what if I take my first attempt at my Bespin robe, where I got a start on it but then realized I did the upper element wrong and had to start over… well, what if I took two of the large flowers at the bottom, and did those as the ears? I used this tutorial which was super easy. Well once I had the size patterns printed out I realized my flowers were going to be too big. So I sized that part of the pattern down in photoshop, printed it out, and transferred it over to some of fabric from the edge of the first robe.

I still had PLENTY of embroidery floss leftover to embroider them real quick. I bought a smaller hoop to use because all of mine were too big. I took it to play practice – it was handy to have onstage as a prop so even though I’m done I’m going to keep taking it!

So I’d had the embroidered pieces done for about a week before I got around to the rest of it. I cut the back part of the ears out of the leftover tunic fabric. Interior was some white craft foam. Closed up the bottom of the ears once the craft foam was in, then glued them to a headband (I picked up a dark red velvet headband at the craft store… I decided to just leave it like that instead of covering it. Close enough.)

Once the glue was dry I stitched them to the headband just so they were secure, then tried them on Luna.

Then my least favourite part… making a bow. I HATE making bows, LOL. I got some batting sized about right, then sewed some of my tunic fabric around it.

Ta-da! They’re not perfect but I’m pretty happy with them. These’ll be fun to wear.

Saturday was BUSY. We had some Christmas stuff to do in the morning..

Then had to rush home, grab my costume and head out to my parents’ house — Chase was baby-sitting Skye, while my parents and I went to play practice. It was full dress – I did my makeup in the morning before our errands, but I had to get everything else on at church because we were so squeezed for time.

Note to self, don’t wear that black bra with this dress in the actual play LOL

Zen puppy


Sunday Chase and I ran a couple of errands and then I went back out to my parents to finish up mermaids. Mostly working on tops!

Finished tails

So I think that pretty much covers this past week. No new art yet! Last week was too busy!

This week is also going to be busy… play practice every night (play is this weekend!), plus getting these mermaid costumes up to theater, fit testing and finishings, and HOUSE STUFF (closing is thursday!!)

Hopefully next week everything slows down. I have a bag to make.