so magical

I don’t have a ton to post today. Despite Saturday being a con day.

Last week was play practices, me feeling crappy, going to see Fantastic Beasts 2. This BP medicine they put me on is killing me, just a constant nagging exhaustion and headache all the time. Fantastic Beasts 2 was fun. Not my favourite but it was fun and I liked the costumes. Saw one I want to make, I won’t say what it is yet cuz I don’t want to spoil anybody.

Kevin liked this giant Bumblebee display.

Saturday was MCFC!
We had to get up early and take Chase’s truck into the shop. Then came home and I started getting into Amidala.

I’ve mentioned before that I use Ben Nye aqua paint white for my Amidala makeup – for parade I only did one layer, since her face isn’t AS whitened in that costume. For Post-Senate I do three layers. It went on pretty smoothly this time, except for one spot on my NOSE. I don’t know why but the left side of the bottom of my nose did not want cooperate LOL. I was going back and trying to touch it up every couple of minutes as I kept getting ready. I think it looked ok in the end.

Once I had wig and makeup on, I put on black jeans and my black boots to wear under the robe (since I thought it was only going to be about a high of 60, figured shorts would be too cold), and we headed down to the hotel. Put my robe on once we were inside.

I thought this couch looked rather “Naboo-ian”

We got there just as the dealer’s room opened which was great because it wasn’t crowded in there yet so I didn’t have to worry TOO much about my robe dragging behind me. After shopping a bit we went and took some photos.

I took a pic of Kevin in front of this wallpaper last year, I wanted MY pic in front of it this year LOL

We also went over and took pics on the staircase where we took Bespin Leia pics last year.

The weather Saturday ended up being BEAUTIFUL, like 70 degrees and sunny. So Chase and I were like… well we kinda already looked at everything here… it’s so nice out… let’s drive over to Brooks and take Amidala pics while I have this on and Chase has his camera with him. So we did.

I don’t have all of Chase’s photos yet (from MCFC or Brooks), so what I have in this post is just the couple of preview pics I have.

It’s so fun to have “matching” photos of my two Queen Amidala costumes – since this is where we shot my parade gown in 2005! I’ll post up some matching photos once I have everything uploaded.

This one is from my phone.


Another from my phone.

After that we got the call Chase’s truck was ready, so we went and picked it up, and then I had to get out of costume and into normal clothes for play practice. (Originally I thought I was going to have to go straight from the con to play practice still in full costume. That would’ve been fun but I’m glad I had time to change LOL)

Anyway I’m hoping to have the rest of the Amidala pics from Saturday up later this week.

Sunday was errand-running, finishing painting backdrops for the play, and finishing up Ursula – I’m delivering her today! Chase took some nice photos of it for me last night. I took some on my phone too until I have Chase’s nice pics uploaded.




Side back


So like I said, I’m taking it up to the school today and fingers crossed everything fits and works ok.

Tonight is another play practice (for myself!) and I’m going to start wearing my costume tonight. I just don’t feel princess-y and in character wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.

I only have one Padme for today. This is getting to be a trend.

I call this one Tequila Sunrise

  • Marrissa

    The Ursula dress came out great and, as always, love your drawings. So pretty!

    • kelldar

      thank you!!