Two posts in a row?!

I knowwwww I just posted yesterday and normally I try to put more space between posts BUT yesterday was a big day. And it IS DragonCon season which means I’m working on a lot of stuff and multiple posts in a week should be expected & allowed.

Ok let’s get the bad out of the way. Well I’m not going to call it bad. I’m going to call it colossally annoying. I haven’t talked much about house progress but we did get a full offer a week after we had it on the market, which we accepted and went under contract. Last week we had the appraisal by the buyer’s bank, which we were anxious over (since when we were BUYING the house years ago the appraisal was the thing that really threw a wrench in the whole process). Got the results back yesterday… and it appraised for HIGHER than what we were asking, which was a relief (we were worried it would be way lower), but they will only approve the loan if we put a new roof on the house.

We just had the roof looked at when we had all of the work done a couple of months ago. Our roof guy told us we were 22 years into a 30 year roof and it would be fine for a few more years. So this just came out of nowhere.

I’m not going to keep going on about it here, I’ll update again later on. But my initial reaction was thus:


I was expecting a package out at my parents’ house yesterday. Since we didn’t know our moving timeline, I’ve just been having stuff sent out to my parents since they’re both home all the time now LOL. So dad texted me around one yesterday telling me I had a package! So after work I ran out to get it, only to find… TWO PACKAGES?! I was only expecting one!

So the first one I was expecting…

My TLJ Leia bracelet!!!!!

This gorgeous bracelet was made by Tess of Garrison Titan – if you want her contact info drop me a message here or IG or FB – I’ll send you her way!
I’m so impressed by this bracelet. Like it legit makes me want to start dressing nicer just so I can wear this as normal jewelry.

Ok so a look at the second package revealed… it was my Loyalist Committee Padme fabric! I bought this a few months ago and just went ahead and gave my parents address since I REALLY didn’t know our timeline. I didn’t know it had shipped yet, so it was great they showed up on the same day.

I’m not planning on this being a quick project. I’ll probably start playing around with late this year…
When I made mine in 2003, I didn’t dye it. I bought the black version – which because of the burnout, showed the dark blue dress underneath and gave it a dark blue/purple tone. Which wasn’t quite correct but for 2003-Me, it was close enough and I was happy with it.
So obviously this a light blue version of the burnout velvet. So this time I have to man up and dye it.

And onto more Padme news.
I got the other sleeve made last night. This one turned out much better. So I will probably go back and redo the other one.

I also got all of the panels of the outer robe put together.


This fabric is HEAVY and SLIPPERY AS HELL. So it was a pain in the butt to work thru my machine, because it kept trying to fall off my desk.

But it’s soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft and cozy. Like I’m glad I have an untouched bolt left because I want to make a giant blanket. Or a kigu. Or just another massive robe like this.
Like I said on instagram, I will be very huggable at DragonCon.

SO. Tonight’s goals:
1. Redo other sleeve
2. Get robe lining set-in
3. Get silk pre-washed

That’s all I’m giving myself to finish tonight, because with as slippery and crazy as this fabric is, I can imagine getting the lining all sewn is is going to be a task. So I’ll say: stretch goal – get it hemmed. LOL.

  • Saffity

    I was wondering why the burnout velvet was so light on instagram! Good luck with the dyeing! I’m sure you’ll rock it!