
Hooray for 3 day weekends! Not so hooray for spending pretty much all 3 days packing and moving stuff D:

Yeah I don’t have a ton to talk about today because this weekend was like 85% packing, cleaning, and moving stuff to the storage unit. We really focused on the garage and got a lot of it cleaned up and SO much of it was trash. Some of it we just want to get rid of, but it’s not necessarily donate stuff, so we’re going to have a small yard sale this weekend. (It’s stuff like, spray paint, wood, insulation foam, etc.) Hopefully we can be rid of it all. MOST of it was trash. OMG so much trash, way too much for our home garbage can and even too much for the compactor at the storage unit. So going to have to see if we can put some in Chase’s work’s dumpster.

Friday we did go see Solo. I didn’t go in costume but I did put on my Leia buns and wore a Leia shirt. All of my cute Han shirts are already packed somewhere in our storage unit šŸ™

So… Solo. First let me say I had VERY LOW expectations of this movie. Like, I was not looking forward to it and didn’t even want to see it in the theaters. I did not agree with some of the casting, plus the director change and all the gossip about the problems around that made me just SO NOT INTERESTED. And that’s coming from someone who has been a diehard Han Solo fan since I was a little girl… I told Chase, I’ve always laughed about people saying a movie “ruined their childhood” but, in this case, this is first time I’ve ever felt a movie may actually ruin my childhood. LMAO.

But after thursday night, we started seeing friends’ thoughts and reviews pop up on facebook… and they were all GOOD. So we used our moviepass and went to see it Friday night.

And the theater got me, I had to have this stupid cup.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand guess what, I loved the movie. I could certainly nitpick some stuff but I won’t here. It was a lot of fun. And I want to see it again!

Oh let’s see, what else was this weekend. Couple of cookouts. And I did actually get some sewing done!!

Chase picked up some more satin for me to line the back panel in since I didn’t have enough of the grey I bought a month or so ago. So once I had that in hand, I had everything I needed to move forward.

First up, I ironed on the interfacing onto the front panels lining. Then I got the 3 lining panels sewn together (right, back, left — it was an extra element of confusion since my left and right pieces were not mirror images). Once I had that done, I sewed the 3 front panels together, then got the whole thing sewn together.

I’m starting to have a little concern that my interfacing was too heavy because the front edges aren’t laying GREAT. I haven’t quite got it closed up yet — it’s still open at the very top back of the collar, and the entire lower hem is still open. So I could still flip it wrong side out and pull the interfacing off (it’s just fusible and it wasn’t sticking great to start with). I may do that tonight and just see what happens. If it causes the entire front panel to collapse too much, I can always iron back in a lighter-weight interfacing.

Last night I didn’t have much time so I didn’t dive into working on the coat again. So I messed with the sleeves – got the facing sewn onto one of the lining panels (the other one is cut) and pinned the outside layer on just to see how it was looking.

I’m pretty happy with that part of it at least.

At this point I’m already considering it a half-way point version, since I know my fabric isn’t 100% right. But if I can at least get this wearable and happy with it, shape-wise, then it would be easy enough to do a 2nd version later down the road. After we get past moving and all that fun stuff.

And of course gotta have an art dump today since I didn’t have one last week.

Black Invasion was the last one. Finished it last week. Here’s the old one:

And new:

And then a couple of new Clone Wars ones…
The 2D Loyalist Committeee-esque dress:

The 2D Lilac Diamonds outfit…

And that’s all for today. I have the picnic dress in progress (finally).

  • Marrissa

    I absolutely love your illustrations, as well as your costumes. If don’t mind sharing, what program do you use to draw and color your artwork? They always look so great. šŸ™‚

    • kelldar

      THANK YOU! I use Photoshop CS3 with a wacom intuos tablet. It’s not a complete tutorial but I did a little step-by-step screenshots of my process over at this patreon post:

      • Marrissa

        You’re welcome and thanks for sharing the link. Seeing the process and steps are very helpful. Thanks again!