Hi Monday

It was a busy weekend ANDDDDDDDDDDD I forgot to talk about Chase’s birthday in my last post! So I’m back to Monday posting.

Thursday was Chase’s birthday! We went to Folk’s Folly… he has never been I haven’t been since prom LOL. It was really good; I wore my tiki bird dress just ‘cuz. And I had SUPER good leftovers for lunch Friday LOL. He got a sous vide cooker from me.

Friday Cath, Ash and I went to Atlanta! Cath had her director’s meeting and Ash and I decided to tag along. After I got off work I went home and tried to take a quick nap but just ended up re-watching the new episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race. Then I headed out and picked Ash up, then Cath, and we hit the road.

First we found these at a gas stop. We were intrigued. Especially since the other flavours were “banana planks” “strawberry planks” and “lemon planks.” What flavour is is “stage” planks?

We got into Atlanta around 1 AM (dang time line), checked into a Holiday Inn for the night. Got up around 8, went down and ate their free breakfast, checked out and headed to start my fabric shopping odyssey.

First stop Gail K, which was fun since they have so many pretty fabrics. BUT… I didn’t find anything I was looking for. I was specifically looking for anything for either of the TLJ Leias – I had made a much bigger shopping list but it was too overwhelming to look for so many different options, so I kept it to the 4 main fabrics needed for either Leia. So we left Gail K after a bit and headed to Fine Fabrics. I’d never been to Fine Fabrics and woooooow.

I died.

Aisles of just zippers what?!?! You mean I can actually the style, length and colour I need instead of settling for something vaguely close out of the one little container at Joanns?!

I ended up finding something I liked for both the outer cloak and the dress for Crait Leia. It was the quickest fabric cutting experience I’ve ever had. They grabbed the bolts, rolled them out, cut from either end and I was holding 2 cuts of fabric in my arms within like, 60 seconds.

And it wasn’t super expensive. So that was awesome. I was very happy! I’ll post a pic of my fabric and the end (cuz I forgot to upload and don’t have it yet LOL)

Then we were trying to figure out where to eat lunch. Discovered Cath had never been to Vortex and even though we’d wanted to try something new, we decided we needed to take Cath to Vortex. We went to the other location… food was great, Cath really liked it. And then since we had a little time to kill, we wandered around the stores nearby. Ended up in a place that custom-makes shirts on demand, and Ash bought herself one.

She picked out this cat with Farrah Fawcett hair.

And had it printed in rainbow foil!

The store was really cool and I kinda wish I’d gotten something.

Then it was time to get Cath over to the hotel for her Dcon meeting. We’d been told to avoid downtown since the march and the basketball game was making driving there a nightmare, so we were going to go straight to our next destination (Center for the Puppetry Arts), and Cath was going to take the MARTA in from there… but the GPS ended up bringing us right up to the Sheraton, and traffic wasn’t bad at all, so we dropped Cath off and headed on over to see some puppets.

As soon as we arrived we were told there was a presentation downstairs about puppets of the world, so we decided to check that out first.

It was a fun presentation, and a great primer before walking through the museum. Once it was over and switched to question and answers, we headed on out since we only had about an hour to walk the museum before closing time at that point.

Of course we started in the Henson exhibit.

I took a ton of photos and I’m not going to dump them all here. Just a few of my fav things.

This area set up to show work-stations and construction was really neat.

Bert & Ernie

Big Bird!



Miss Piggy!

Emmet Otter!







These guys from Labyrinth!

And they stab you in the heart on the way out.

A few other things from the rest of the museum…

Gumby! (My pic of Gumby AND Pokey is blurry.)

Corpse Bride!



And the massive Topthorn puppet!

After we got done there, Cath wasn’t quite done with her meeting yet so Ash and I found a Target and just went and killed some time. Then we went to the Atlanta Food Truck park to meet up with Cath and her dcon friends for dinner… only to find out they were closing at 6 instead of 10 because of a concert. So we went next door to a mexican chain and ate there (and it was actually really good LOL)

Saturday night we stayed with friends and Sunday morning we got on up and headed home. It had turned cold and rainy but thankfully we drove out of the rain after a bit and the rest of the drive home was uneventful.

Got home and I was EXHAUSTED! Fell asleep for a couple of hours, then got up and went to dinner with my parents. Came home, watched a movie, and went to bed. And now I’m here at work. LOL.

Ok — fabric!

Neither are 100% perfect but I’m not going for RL approval here so close enough is fine with me. The top fabric is for the inner dress. It’s a littler sparklier than the real thing but a comparison of an exhibit close-up photo to this was a decent match, so I’m going with it. I think I will probably use the wrong side where the sparkle is a little less apparent.

The fabric on the bottom is for the cape. I liked the weight and drape of it, though I will still probably have to interface it with something stiffer. May also be a little on the light side (haha), but just going to wait and see if I need to dye it or no.
