Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 1

This was my sketchbook I kept while on vacation this year! I thought I’d share the scans of the pages. This will be a multi-part post since it’s so many pages.

Text: “On the road to “MOBILE” I am trying to figure out a good way to draw Harry!”
I was trying to figure out how, exactly, I was going to draw Harry Potter without making him look too old or too girly. The first was too old, the second had a yucky nose. Ashley liked the 3rd one, so I stuck with it. There’s also an incredibly creepy SD Harry and a “portrait” of Ashley.

Text: “Ashley is doing crosswords. We took the wrong road haha”
Ron was hard to figure out, but Ash said my first try was OK. She said he, “just didn’t look skinny enough,” so I added that weird body. The first Hermione just didn’t look right. The second looked too old, so the third I drew way too cute !

Text: “Driving. Hermione some more.”
More Hermione. The first one of her complaining. The second (on this page)/fifth (all together) try Ashley deemed “Suitable.” So I left it at that. I also doodled a Sirius Black which I didn’t like. oO

Text: “We are driving. It is boring. It is “2:30″ Ash is reading. I think I will too.”
I doodled a Dumbledore… lucky Ashley was there to remind me of his glasses. I also sketched a McGonagoll and a “snape” *snicker* Also a misc Britan and a unicorn.

Text: “Close to MOBILE 3:00”
Tarma and Kethry from Mercedes Lackey’s Oathbound series. It’s what I was reading in the car. Tarma was freaking hard to draw, especially her hair… her horse turned out funny, too…

Text: “After an hour of traffic… almost there”
My first time drawing Sailor Mars… at Ashley’s request (mars is her fav) I messed up on her hair and that will have to be fixed before inking. But otherwise I really like this picture. It makes me happy XD

Text: “mum is cranky we should be there soon…! 5:42”
Jupiter Oak Evolution is my favourite of her attacks, because I like how she says it. Unfortunately she looks weird here… I’ll colour it but it will probably always look weird.

Text: “We got here around 6:00 and went to dinner. it’s 2:30 sun[day] now. me and ash are sitting on the balcony looking at the beach”
Harry, Ron and Hermione hanging out a window looking at something. The coloured version turned out kinda weird. I had had this pic lurking in my head for a while, and I finally drew it on the trip x_x