when i ice skated with kuno

“I Can’t Concentrate!!”

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If you want to use this, you can without asking me! Anybody else think Washu is the coolest character in Tenchi Muyo? She’s now one of my favorite characters. Yes, another favorite character!!

I rented some movies the other day. Tenchi the Movie 2 (for the second time), Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer, and Macross II, Episodes 1 and 2. I really enjoyed Beautiful Dreamer, which I’ve been looking for. I think my video store finally got tired of me asking about it and went ahead and got it. As for Macross … I didn’t really like it … no offense to Macross fans. I mean, it was all right, but I kept wondering, “When is this gonna be over?”

I’m supposed to be simming right now, but I don’t feel like it … I want to go ride my bike! I’m thinking of buying some roller blades … I’ve never had any of my own.

I hate Chocobos!! I really hate Chocobos! Ever since the first time I playing FF7, I hate Chocobos. I just really really hate them! I can’t tell you how much I hate them!

Anyway, I want to go see Page and Plant in Nashville. I can’t think of anything else to say … I can’t concentrate right now.

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“The Big Eevel Spider That Tried to Bite My Head!!!!”
The eevel spider! Can’t you tell this was drawn on the computer?
(It says, “Ahhh! Eevel! I want to bite your head!”)

AAH!!!!!!!!! There was this HUGE spider in the driveway!! It was big!! It was so gross!!!!!!! I tried to run over it with my bike, but that evil thing was too fast!! It wanted to bite my head!! I drew a picture of it … I think I’m emotionally scarred now.

“How Did Kuno Get in My Dreams? (Now that’s emotionally scarring …)”

Last night I had the most realistic dream I’ve ever had … usually my dreams are really stupid and don’t make sense. Like one time I dreamed me, Ashley, Catherine, Rachel and Sara were at this HUGE community pool, like at a hotel or something. Except the building it was in looked like a mansion from the 20’s. And then the building started to sink, so we ran outside. Turned out the building was actually the Titanic … then I woke up.

Well, this time, me and Ashley are hanging out and I tell her I’m gonna be in this ice skating competition. With Kuno from Ranma 1/2. WHAT’S THE DEAL WITH THAT?! Kuno?! Where did HE come from?!?! I mean, he’s an all-right character, but certainly not my favorite …
So anyway, Ashley goes, “Well, since when could you ice skate?”
So I say, “I’ve always been able to ice skate. Just because I haven’t skated since I was eight.”
So Kuno and I go to this Ice Skating Competition. It’s not like figure skating, it’s like … Roller Derby or something. At first I can’t skate, but then suddenly I can skate really good … and we win first place. Then I go back home to find Ashley, my mom, my dad, Ashley’s mom, and Ashley’s dad playing Life. And that’s when I woke up.
Ok, so maybe it wasn’t that realistic … it’s messed up, I know.